Page 86 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 86
"'So say we all,''' <lUOtecl Professor :\[iller with his school-boy grin. "I mean each one says that about
his own department, ' ' he added, hastily.
"I second the motion," said Professor Bbir, entreatingly, adding to himself. "I had to do it to stop
their fussing, and get through. I \\Onder how the baby is The poor little chap was cr) ing when I left.' ' (It
may lx: interesting to note that hahy was just two weeks old at this time.)
"I think we oug-ht to come to some decision, " said Professor Cox. "If I had known it would take this
long-, I would ha1·e mo1·ed to ha1·e this business postponed until Saturday." .\nd Lieutenant Cox put on that
same sardonic smile that he uses when he wants to tell a boy that he is 1·ery sorry but cannot take ofT his punish·
ment for being late to "taps" Friday night.
\li-.s McClintock looked as though she \\OUld like to say that "i\lr. Thompson m:eds -.ome more work in
English ," hut as there were four Professors of tbe sterner sex loudly proclaiming their right to speak on the
snhjett in hand, -.he merely -.miled and glanced at her watch .
"Thompson ought to ha1·e some more Political Economy, ' said Professor \\'augh.
"\lr Thompson has to make up Geometry and Plane Trigonometry," said Professor Borger. " It h
n :ry oln·ious that this work cannot he neglected."
" \lr. Thompson needs some Chemistry," said Professor \I iller. solemnly.
' ' \I r. Thomp-.on needs this work in Physiology, '' said Professor Gos-.ard, \\ ith more -.pirit than he was ewr
known to show before.
" lie has some work to do in Bolan}," said Professor llume, sewrely.
" ll looks like Thompson will have to go back to the Preparatory ami sta11 on:r, .. said Professor ;\!arion .
"The1· have brought up more thin~-,rs already than he can possibly do in four years. And he expects to gmduate
this year, too."
" I think we had better 1·ote on it, " said Professor Miller, " I ought to he down in the basement now, "
he added to himself. " I guess Joe has got me that sledge-hammer by now, I sent him o1·er to the shop about
two hours ago, and it is about lime for him to he getting back. ''
"There is a motion before the house, Doctor," said Professor Hume, soberly.
"\·ery good," said Dr. Yocum, "let us vole on the que~tion. \loved and seconded lhat- lhat-
\\'hat \\'as the motion, gentlemtn? "
" That Mr. Thompson lake- er-Phy-;i- ol-ogy," said Professor Gossard, hastily (?)