Page 87 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 87
"That ~lr ThnmJbOn tak.: sum.: Latin , ·• ~aid l'ro(L.,..~or \\'au~h. excitL'(II~ "1 "i~h to gin• him .t
thorough rc·Yic·\1 of verlh, and
"Tlw motion \las that ~lr. Thomp~on take the conrse in Ph,·~ics," ~houtt:d l'rufe~~or Young, a~, n·en·
tr;tl'e of the habitual ~mile ,·anished from his face, he stood forth like an old Roman Knight rc-.uhl'\1 to do battle
to the death for hb rights.
' ' :\Ion llieu ! " exclaimed Senorita Fig-uaroa, trembling!\·. " ju~t hear them! '
.\nd she shrunk back into the darkest corner of the room from "hencl' :\lisses lle Sha .llHI \'nc um
\\ere peering anxiothly, as though they expected the floor of the President's office to be• the sn~ne of a bi\)()(IV
"I think some one moyed to adjomn, .. said Profeswr Crocm, lnzily, and then to hin self, " I wondu lum
long before supper is ready ''
" I think it is ,,b,ntl limt' to adjourn, " said :\Iiss Barnes in an awed undertone as she glan<·e<l fearful!' at
Professor Young. who stood forth, fearless in his wrath.
" (:entlemen, this is not a ,·ery orderly meeting,· • said Dr. Yocum in a tone of mild reproof.
"Well, lets decide it, " said Professor Borger, sharply.
·· We could han~ played ten g.11nes of tennis in thi-; time, Hadley," he renurked in an .ISi\le to the Busim:ss
" \\'ell, " said Dr. Yocum, "I think it will be well to adjourn for this e\'t:ning as it laeb, now . hL·
minute, to six o clock and I have tea at six o'clock. Let us all meet to·morro\\ morning just before Chapd
and we wJII spend the few minutes we ha,·e then in taking up some other matters. I suppose :\lr Thump
son's case must be laid over until to-morrow afternoon, and we hope to decide in time fot him to start in
the work he is to take, some time thb term ."
And so the members of the faculty dispersed to their hom<--:; and boarding·housl-s with appetites whetted
h) much sharp discu~sion.