Page 161 - chs-1996
P. 161


                                                                                     11/16/95     LCMS
                                                                                     11121/95     Eastsid~
                                                                                     11128/95     LCMS
                                                                                     11129/95      Gain~sYill6
                                                                                     12/2/95      Lincoln
                                                                                     1215/95       Lwn
                                                                                     12fi/95      Taylor County
                                                                                     12/9/95       LCMS
                                                                                     12/13/95     Orang6 Parle
                                                                                     12/18/95      Gain6sYill6
                                                                                     12/19/95      Eastsid6
                                                                                     1!.3/96      Lwn
                                                                                     119/96       LCMS
                                                                                     1/13/96      Buchholz
                                                                                     1115/96      Sandalwood
                                                                                     1116/96      Middltburg
                                                                                     1/19/96      Taylor County

         fnt row:  Clint.  l"wln~y. R.P. Moor~. ~hard Francis, SU<Ihi'  &haskar, fralois  L~ml~y. Art. BcdUll>augh.  ~ond row:
                                                                                            Th6  past  1995-96
         ~ws • ...bnatnan  la~WUlC~. Matt Randolph,  Nathanid Watson, fodd Lussiu, ...bsh Johnson, Thomas Third  row:
                                                                                     s6ason of th6 J.V. boys socc«
         Assistant Coach  Randy  Moore.,  Marcus  G~sl«,  Adam  Vuduca,  Dusty  Bail~y.  Jam~ PUcmu, ...bsh  HUltl~man,  Brad
                                                                                     uam was an outstanding on6.
         ...b~. H~d Coach Lany Boorw.
                                                                                     ih6  boys  6nd6d  th6  s6ason
           r  .                                                                      with  a gr6at r6cord  of 11-5-4.
                                                                                     Aft« playing  ga m6s  on  th6
                                                                                     rocky fitlds of Gain6sYill6,  and
                                                                                     on  th6  muddy  hills  of
                                                                                     Tallahasstt  tht  boys  ca mt
                                                                                     out  on  top.  Th6  tta m  had
                                                                                      many good  tim6s  aft« many
                                                                                     ga m6s    th6y   had   on6.
                                                                                            Th6  tta m  would  ntv6r
                                                                                     hav6  co mplthd  th6  s6ason
                                                                                     with  such a gr6at r6Cord,  but
                                                                                     tht  ham  l6ad6r,  Coach
                                                                                      Boon6,  was  th«6 to  sav6 us
                                                                                     as  usual.  Thanks,  coach
                                                                                      Boont,  and  W6  hop6 you  hav6
                                                                                     a good S6ason n6xt y6ar.

         Ku.pu Ousty Bai~y div~ to  mak~ a wonduful sav~
         during  th~ Middwurg match.
                                            Brad ...b~ fights with a faj4or Co. play« for ttl~ I> aiL  Plaj4ng at th~
                                            Columl>ia  High  Stadium is a r~l thril forth~ ..J.V. play«$.

                                                                                        SU<tli' Bhaskar s~t~ a pass from a fdow

           Art. BcdUll>augh kicks  ~I> all to on~ of his                                               JV Boys Soccer  155
           ~mma~ for a goaL                  Jam~ PUcmu dril>l>l~ th~ l>al out of troli>l~ during  th~ Lincon
   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166