Page 162 - chs-1996
P. 162

              (HOME  GAMES)

              1V15          ~.1<. YOUf19
              1215          leon
              12113        Oran<J~ ~art
              12119         Eastsid~
              V6            lincoln
              Vl3           Bucholz
              V15           Sandalwood
              V16          Middlwur<J
              V19          Ta)'4or County

                   Th~ C.H.S. Varsity  Soccu uam   Sitgng l~ft to right- e~ Odo m, .Jer~my Celli,  K)l~ Sai.Js, Raul  Quintana, ...bsh watson, T~or T)4t.r, Tra\lis R)4s, Jason 5augh. Row
            had a wry Ia~ task at hand this  y~.  Th~   2- Managt.r Jason Holingsworth, Managt.r Carios  Castellon, ..lism Lang, Thco LjnJS,  erad Woml:>~, SU:v~ Samt.ra, Jason Coi:>P,
            District  was   r~arrang~  to  includ~   Tip T)4t.r,  Managt.r erian N~~it., Traint.r Jana Pow~, Standing- Coach  eot:>  Hochmuth, Tra\lis  Hunt«, Ryan  eoon~, Mih ....tcncins,
            pow«tlousc.s  Lincoln  and  L~n along  ~th   ~th Pmy, Captain Jask~ ..Joy~. Captain Chad  SU:v~s. Jt,ff Da\lis, Assistant Coach T.D. Julkins, Assistant Coach Pt.ny Sai.Js.
            last ye-ar's  district champion  Orang~ Pane.
            Thc.s~  uams  along  ~th  Mandarin,
             Middlwurg, and  Sandalwood  prov~ to 1:>~
            on~ of  th~ toughe-st  districts  in  North
             Florida.  Th~ s~son op~~ to  a  3-0  ~n
            ovt.r P.K.  Yong~ in  th~ ...Unglc.  Th~ s~ason
             cont.fuud ~th a 1-0 \W1  <NQ" Santa  f~ and a
            2-0  ~ OVU'  Lak~ Wdr.  Th~  figt.rS  WU'~
             SUfl>riS~ ~th a  0-1 loss  to  Clay  County.
             ~y also  fdl  short at Lincoln  ~th a 0-4
             loss  to  th~ ~~tual District  Champions.
             Th~ figt.rS  tum~ it around  ~th a 1-0  ~n
             OVQ" Leon. This ~ was possil:>ly  ~ l:>igg~t
             ~for C.H.S. soccu to date.  Ta)4or  County
             was  u~ 1-\  Th~ figt.rS  cam~ out sluggish
             l:>ut pull«! it out against P.K.  Young~ ~th a
             2-1\W\ ~ n~xt opponw Orang~ Pane  got.
                                              Senior Captain Chad  suv~     ~ior Captain Jak~ ...b~
             th~ l:>~t of th~ figt.rS  ~th a 0-1  ~n.  Th~
    lost to Man<h'l 0-4 in th~ first round
             of th~ Gainc.s\lil~ lrwitatjonal,  l:>ut  av~g~
             th~ loss  ~th a  6-0  trashing  of  North
             Marion.  Th~y th~ loss  to  euchholz  2-4 in
             th~ third round.  Th~ 'figt.rS  th~ play~ th~
             s~~th rank~ Gainc.s\lil~ Hunican~ to a
             3-3  tjc,  Th~ 'figt.rS  fdl  short  to  anotht.r
             sta~ rank~ ~min Eastsid~ 0-2. 'Mth
             this  d~f~t  th~  figus  lost  som~
             mom~tum.  This  taT!~ into a 0-7 loss to
             L~ and  a o...:;  loss  to  Lincoh Th~ 'figt.rS
             gain«!  some. confidc.ncc. 'Mth a  9-0 IW1
             ovu Jackson\lil~  Univt.rSity  Christjan.  Th~
             T~gt.rS f~ again to euchholz  ~th a 2-31oss.
             Th~y th~ pick~ it  up  ~th a 2-1  ~n ovu
             Sandalv.ood and a  4-3  ~ OVU'  Middlc.l:>urg.
             ~ fig«S 1irish~ ~ s~son ~th a 1-0 \W1
             ovQ" Ta)4or County on  C.Y.S.A.  Apprc.ciaMn
             Night.  Mandarin  stopp~ th~ 'figt.rS  in  th~
             first round  of th~ Districts ~th a 0-4  M
             Th~ 'figt.rS  ~~ th~ 95-96 s~son ~th a
                                               T~or T)44r crosu.s tN l:>al against an ~ Pane <kfmcUf'.
             10-10-2 r~rd.

        156  Varsity Boys  Soccer
   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167