Page 259 - chs-2002
P. 259
"I Don't Wanna Grow Up, I'm a Tiger Tot Kid!"
Early Childhood Education is a four year informative
class that builds( upon previously teamed material) each
year.lntheflrstyear, students have theopporl!mitv to earn the
forty hour child care training necessary to work in a day care.
Students in their second and third years begin teaching and
participting in Ti?,er Tots. They also begin volwzteerin?, in the
community at Summers elementary and in child care facilities
such as happy house and SV4C's. By the fourth year the
students' are able to earn the Child De~·elopment Associates
equi\'0/ency and begin a career in child care. If you enjoy
children this is the class for you!
Below: Racing towards the school, Luke and Bryce try their
hardest to get away from Tiffany Howland !
Above: "I wonder what this dolphin would look like red~",
Above: This little boys chews with his mouth open to show his says one of the little girls in Tiger Tots before painting the
enthusiasm for snack time.
Tiger Tot 257