Page 262 - chs-2002
P. 262

Leaders Come In All                                                        christmas party was of course JUSt being wtth her In end
                                                                                     Below:  Angelica  hcppard's favorite thmgat the Lcadcrsht
                                                                                     \Ccond comes the food .
           ShapeS And  SIZES ...

                 ... Ours Just Have Stripes

               Leader  hip i  the cia  that i  re  pon- Week,RedRibbonWeek,D.A.R.ERolemod-
            ible for all theacti  itie  hereatCH  . Made  el  ,  and  Orientation.  During  the  holiday  ,
            upofateamoftwocla  period, weputon  Leader hip  organize  all  of the club  in  Co-
            all  the  homecoming  fe  ti  itie  including  Iumbia  High  School  and  the  club  deliver
            The  Pep  Rallie  , Field  Day, The parade,  Thank. giving and Chri  tma  ba  kets to needy
            and the Student - Faculty Game  . Leader- familie  within our area. Leadership  pon  or
            hip i  the cia  where all the  tudent coun- children  in  Columbia County during Chri  t-
            cil  officer  and  cia   officer  '  work  to- rna  time  and  organize  the  HR  Chri  tma ·
            gether to  erve the  tudent body.  Leader- Party  in  which  children  of all  age  receive
            hip al  o put  together  chool  pirit activi- pre  ent  .  Each  Club  pon  or  children  and
            tie  to  make school a little more fun.  The  buy  them gift  o that they wiJI have a memo-
            leader  hip cla  i  al  o in charge of morn- rable Chri  tma  . Leader  hip i  al  o in charge
            ing announcement , which they have tele- ofaJiclubactivitie  ,lnnerOrganizationCoun-
            vi  ed e  ery morning and teen Talk Live, a  cil, and  tudent Advi  ory Councii.The Lead-
            tudent program that appear  on televi  ion.  er hip  cia..  contains  hard  working  people
            Leader  hip al  o participate  in community  with caring heart  that want to make the world
            acttvttle  such  a  :  Relay  For  life,  The  a better place.
            March of Dime  , Di  ability Awareness              -Megan Bi  hop

          Above: Freshmen Class President Brandon Hill didntexactaly
          thmk he could u  e the bath stuff he ended up with however it
          will make a great pre. ent for hi\ mother.
          Rtght. The 2001-2002 Leadership Class  tops for a picture at
          the  christmas  party.  Back  Row:  Amy  Huddleston,  Lee
          Habem, Aimee Ronsonet, Justin Ronsonet,  am King, Megan
          Bishop,  Travi.  Russell,  Dallas  Sapp.  Middle  Row:  ara
          Berryhill,  am Curry,  i  ha  Patel, Travts  Mediero., Tyler
           app, Alama Blair,  Ben  Bryant,  Angelica Sheppard, Greg
          Arline,  Mr  .  Spurlock.  Bottom  Row:  Stephen  Khachigan,
          Ally  Allen,  Salena  Westberry,  Mrs.  Wright,  Stephanie
          Barbee, Erica Mayo, Garrethon Carter, Brandon Hill.

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