Page 298 - chs-2002
P. 298

Omk~"> for Columb1a County·'' an  tndl\  under  I,   ~:\M.OO   Acc.:ompll\hmcnts
                                               IUth  \\on a bmnte mcd.ll ;n ~olt for Spc..:1al Olympat.:   t)th: 4.0 GP  , Suj")Cnur r..ued  "ttliO.  ::!nd  pl.k.:e h1,tory  tau-proJed board.
                                               lith:  Bl~amc: Ti~cr team manager and earned lcncml .• m   Trumpeter for "Black lla"l C'ahary ('of(-, co lun.led J&C prod  11
                                               11th: Tager team  mana~cr and LD lim JR<Yf(.'   Wth:  4.0 GPA, \Uj")Cnor rated ••olo and tnu. Ac.tdcma~.: letter
                                               (,\x.),  To ha\c a 'ut.:~.:c,,lul JOh and to help other ~uple out   lith: 4.0 GPA 'upenor mted tno. ~nd place on  \1u Alpha Thcw.lir.l pia<
                                               \1cmonc'  \1)' be,t mcmoric' are of m~ tncnd' ~cttmg me on the 11~er team'   hl\lOr) fa1r  ·naor \<1\Ual-documentary
                                               \\mmng HomC\:omtng of 2001 . and ~1th the  t1~cr toh   I ~th: 4.0 GPA. AP Schol.or.  Pre>~ dent of "BI,ocllla"k Calv.<ry. Col
                                                                                     Prc\ldent of Mu Alpha Theta, Trumpet Section Leader. bowled at :!27
                                               ~1cl"'a Hall                          Gooth:  To control my own fate.
                                               ~1c\ Mt'')'                    Memorie-..  "JAC'" pnxlucllon,, long  bomd  pnKUcc~. "Hcotns" Club, th~ ··rusa
                                               D 0. B  !l6-02-M3                     mobile", the '"triunglc of de.tth". \mgmg the blue ....  V theft. the devil, good
                                               Place  FL  Lauderdale                 lime'
                                               Pcl"\on Mo't Admired· Mother
                                               I J\Oritc Song  ·1ne PoY.crof LoH'' h)  Cehnc Dton   Br.mdt Heaton
                                               ~a\onte Quote: ~oop~··
                                                ccomp)l,hmc:nt'                      Rad.ey  Hcnder'\011
                                               'ltlr Dnll team                       D.O B .. 0~-16-H3
                                                l<~h  Dnll team                      Plat:e  fon Raly.  Kansa
                                                lith: Capwon ol Dnll team            Perwn Mo  t Adnurcd  Mother
                                                I :!th:  aptam of Dnll team. Bauahon S-1   favorite Song:  ··o,ncrcnt:e  .. by  Genume"
                                               Goah: Jom the A•r Force               Favontc Quote  ''Wha..,.,up Boo!/Baby Girl"
                                               \.1emone,: Gomg to \l.ltc Y.llh Dnll team. Mr. Jn)c\ manne lield tnp to I·SL.   Accompli-.hmenl\
                                               \1ohtary Ball.                        lOth: fi~t plac  m Sophomo~ Relay Rat:c
                                                                                     Goal'  To be 'oQmebody on  llfeiprufe  \IOnalluotball pla)er
                                               \arJIOIJ Ibm                          Edv.m HemandcL  Gunn
                                                ·\mber HJ.m1lton
                                               l>OB  OHn-                            Keryn  Herndon
                                               Pia..:e: Gounc,\JIIe                  D.O.B  II-~~- 3
                                               Pc:f'on  \1o!'ot  '\c.Jnured:  \1othcr   Place:  LU.c C'ny
                                               1-a\onte Song·  ·uen:)' by. MJ.nah C..n:y   Per.on Mo>t Adm1re:  My Mom
                                               1,1\0ntc Quote· "1lm>ugh God all thmg\ J.rc  Jl(h,lble''   favonte Song: "Who I am" by·  Je\\ICJ Andrew'
                                                Act:ompl•~hmcnt'                     Favonte Quote: ''I'm Hungry."
                                               ~th  CheerleadongiLC C.A.)St>ftballiLC.C.A.)Bcta Club   Accompli.!thmcnts
                                                lOth  Softball                       9th: Swim Team letter
                                                II th:  We1ght Lolling. Softball. fr<11<:h  Club. 1-cllo">htp ol Chmtoan Athlete\   II th  MVP· Sw1m Team.  aptaan of the Swam Team. Uttered for Soccer
                                                I  ~th: Softball. CBE Club           12th   aptaon ol the Sw1m Team.Leo.FCA
                                               Go.1k To attend LC'CC for t\I.O year\. then tmn,fer to  F-la~ler College.   Goal.!t:  Graduate from  'Nt- Y..lth a degree in Elementary Education
                                                ~1cmone~: All  t~ late mghh tallmg \l.lth Add1e about all our 'ccreh. 12-24   Memoneo,  Megan &  pnchtorl mcadent,"Wholl  Bmt , .. _ Bluebcrrie\ on James.
                                                2000. my ntC\:e .,., a' born  04-01- 4  I ...... ...,  born to a IO\ tnf and caring mom   Caphva.S\\am Team bu~ nde\.Garh '\J@ht,'"Don't  v.allow the quancr".  pace
                                                                                     Cadet Dancer. Ge@;.tho & Cr.x:kcr too.
                                                !leather llanulton
                                                                                     Jellrey Lance !loll
                                                Bethany Jomea llarden                D 0  B  12-13-83
                                               -'•  Bulli Lou                Place: Gaine  \iille
                                                D.O.B.: 06-15-1!4                    Goal  Go to college and continue to have to put up wuh Bethany
                                                Place  Lal.e Cot)                    Memone   Hang on. woth J.J .•  Ru\ly. Brad. and Jock on ocr. Paont ball  With
                                                Pci"\On  \1o\t  dm1red:  Grandmother. EhLJbeth Pearce   Lynn &  Z.Ck  Zero ban. "'"h Bethany.
                                                fa\ontc Song: ··Do.,.,_n on the rann·· b)' : Ttm  \1cGr.a.,.,_
                                                fil\O~te Quntc; "A fnend  •~ ~omeo~ \l.hO  ~cc  thnlllgh ~ou and  ~till cnJO)'  the   Gary Hollhou
                                                Ac..:ompl1~hmcnl'                    Mandy Hodge
                                               ~th  Sem:Wry ol Bew Club; Edttor of ""'"paper   D.O.B  11-n-83
                                                lOth:  Column1,t for ~hool nc.,.,~paper; Beta Club mcmbtr   Place: Wco,t  Palm  Be;.tch
                                                II th  S  mor Ad  Eduor ol the yearbook: LEO Club, SADD member   Per.on Mo>t  dm1rc.  My Dad
                                                I  ~th  Co-edotor ol the yearbook. Semor 'uperlato>e, LI:O Club member; Bew   f·a\ontc Song.  ··victory in Je ... u "
                                               Club member                           favorite Quote: ''(\iot to \o\-'orry"
                                               Goo),_  Gmduate LCCC and tran,fcr to l.!F  MaJor m P')'chology and mmur m   Accompli,hments:
                                                bu,mc .. -..  Get mamed and  Ji\'C happ1ly e\er after.   9th: JV Soccer. A-B  Honor Roll
                                                l\.-1cmone  Road tnp' \1.-Jth Je  \ica; Pumpkm' Y..llh  Lauren; Coun~hng Y..lth   1(~: JV Soccer. A-B  Honor Roll. FFA
                                               Jay and Cloggmg Y..Jth  motorcycle helmet\; Mentonng and fightmg Y..Hh Ju,lln,   lith: A-B Honor Roll. FFA
                                                Sea Tunle Inn. J  remy C. and f.alhng out of ch.aar  . 1ero tlar\ With  Lan(:e  I lm-e   12th: Var;lly Soccer. Hopefully A Honor Roll
                                                you clo 2002!                        Goals:  Graduate and got to LC  C and then L f- .and be(:ome a Math Teacher
                                                                                     Memories  Sen10r Ptcmc. Senior Gotng to the ... occer gameo, v.ath S.:rnh.
                                                                                     Beatmg Lmc<'ln  lhgh 10 \occer 1-0. Winnmg llomecommg for 2(XH-2(XJ:!
                                                Brandon Harn'                        Tiflany llo,.land
                                                D O.B .IJ.l-17-1!4                   D O.B  06-19-83
                                                Place: Lemor, ~onh Carolina          Place:  Benton.Ark
                                                PeN>n Mo,t Admorcd.  Mother          Pei"On Mo't Admore:  My Mother
                                                At:~ompl1~hmcnb                      Fa\onte Song: "I \\-'anna  Knov.-" by • Joe
                                               9th: J.V.  Golf.  auonal Honor Societ)'. Acadern1c Letter   Goal•. Go to college to be<:omc a Pre'"hool tea.: her
                                                l{~h  J.V  Golf. Vilr'otyGolf ...... altonal HnnorSocoety,Academoc letter. Who'   Memorie  : The day that I "ailed onto my brother'  hou;e and met the man of
                                                "'ho                                 my dream.!t
                                                lith: Var-.ny Golf,  ational Honor Soc1ety. At:ademu.: lett  r
                                                12th:  V~aty Golf, ,,  Honor Socaety, Acadcnuc letter   Amy Huddle\lon
                                                Goah: To graduate and go to college   D.O.B  03-06-1!4
                                                \1cmorie,_ AJ  bad p111a.  fair:  KD and the p.unt ball gun; ride aero'  the   Place: La Junta,Co
                                                x:cer field'; Sante fe game .,.,_llh JD and JK, Daa  )  Ma)S, Su"A-anee R1\er Jam   fa\onte Song  "llotel Cahfomoa" by:  E;ogl"'
                                                                                     Fa\Onte Qunte:  .. Anythmg .,.,_onh liHng for 1  .,.,_onh dymg for"
                                                John Ham                             Accompli  hmen~
                                                D.OB. 11-11'1- 3                     9th:  JV ligerette. A Honor Roll,  Perfttt Attendan<:e
                                                Pla.:e  ft. uud<rdale                lOth  JV liger<tte, Hoby Am~'ador.AB Honor Roll, Honor Soc1ety
                                                Pcr.on Mo't Admored:  \1)\elf        II th: Var;tty liger<tte, AB  Honor Roll.  Honor Socoety
                                                fa,onte Song: "Amenca" by: Trick Daddy   12th:  Senaor Cla.!ts Secretary, Honor Soc1ety T~Murer. Beta Club Set:~tary.
                                                F-avorite Quote: .. Baby cau~ I'm a thug''   Senior Ad Ed a tor
                                                Accompll~hment,·                     Goal;:  Optometry  chool
                                                9th  Perfed attendance               Memorie  :  River Panics, water.feathcr boa~.Game:\ville trip\. car
                                                lOth:  Honor Roll                    trouble,,camper mght>.Sprong Break 2!XX).  mght befor< ...:hool 200 I. and
                                                12th:  Did good on Senior project re  an.:h  p~•pcr   ight; at the Round table
                                      ; Gr.tduate and go to a h1g college or una\cr,lly
                                                                                     Carl Hull
                                                Tr.tccy I  lam                       D O.B. 03-28-1!4
                                                D.O.B. 01·~6-1!4                     Place: London. Kentucly
                                                Pla<:e: Oklahoma Coty. Ok.           Per\on Mo't  dm1re:  My  Uncle Steve
                                                Pef'on Mo-.t Admut~d: Parenl\ Kame and Wallae,   Favorite Song: "Mama I'm Coming Home" by; Ouy (},bourne
                                                fa\Onte Song: '"Putll on me" by: Ja Rule   Favonte Quote: "What Up"!"
                                                f-avome Quote:  'That'~ mean!": "huh·)'"; ''..u!"   Accompli~hmenl\
                                                Accompla..,hmcnl''                   9th  Made the JRarC Dnll Team and pa;;ed MrP'  chL"
                                                9th·  fCCLA-V1cc  Pre\ a dent of work: "Who\ Y..ho among American H1gh   lOth:  Joaned the Envaronment Academy
                                                ~htXll Student -."All American Scholar\ A.,.,_arJ .. , Tagereuc Dance Team:   Goah  Go to college forK year.. and become a  1arine Biologi\t and  \I.Jm""
                                                1-re,hmcn cia  l.Ka.! urer           shark~
                                                l{~h  CJSA S"ectheart; Suphnmnr< cl"'  n:p  : li~en:tte Dance Team:" \1-lk>.   :\1emone~. Makmg new fnend  . geumg on teat:hcr.. ncr.e!-1, Sentor P1cn11..
                                                \ among .-\mcm:an ll1gh  S~.:houl Student'",··  II Amencan   S  mor fir,t day of ~hlX)I,Sen1or Pranks, and gntduatwn
                                                Sclk>lar."fCCLA-\t<e pr<l ol v.ork
                                                lllh  CJSA Vt<e  Pre\ldcnl, ligereue Dance Team;  Dual  Enmllmcnt; H'A   Enc lluflman
                                                member; ··who\ .,.,_ho among Amencan Hagh School Student"; "All Amencan
                                                Scholat\··~ Volunteer Shan~ at AG  Ho ... pltal   Thorn., Hundley
                                                12th: liger<tte Dance Team; CJSA S"eethean. Dual  l:nrollmcnt; "Who\ who   D 0  B  09-116-83
                                                among American Hagh School Student "   Place:  Delaware
                                                Goah. I .,.,_ould  hke to attend the Lni\-ef\Jty of South or Central  t-1onda und   Pcr!tDn Mo  t Admtre; Paul  Ruben
                                                maJOr m medacanc                     Favonte  ong: "I Could  "ot" by· Edwm McCam
                                                \1emonc'  "Jenny'  IHth B-day party". Gtx>; "J-Ix>y": "2Sth \l-ard lx>yt", "e"   f.avonte Quote· "[ to h\e.Don't li\oc to eat.'"
                                                Yorl~'lhc B1g  ppl  ··; "G·Ville":  I epoHn. at my hou   ~ Med .. 1c: ''I'm ~l   Accompll~hmc:nt
                                                -'"; "Bonmc -.;• Cl)de"              9th·  Went to  tat  wtth my  ·hoot  choru'
                                                                                     I Oth:  Went to  tat  and dtstric.:h w1th the choru
                                                Ju,lln Havard                        lith: Gotmto mtxed cn ... emblc m chorus. and \l.ent to  tate and d1  tnct ..  \1.  th
                                                D 0  B: 02-24·1!4                    choru\
                                                Place; Valdo!'ota, Ga                Goa h.:  Go to a 2 year c.:ollege and then to a 4 yeur colleg  to be a teat.: her
                                                Pcr\011  Mo~t Admarcd:  Batman       Memorie,_  Meehng my  preo,ent gtrlfnend botck  10  lOth grade. getting my
                                                l·avontc Song: ··su-ur way to I lea'" en" by; Led Zeppelin   licen~ and oK:tually drivmg to \Chool and JU\t cutting up m cia\\ with friend'
                                                l·avontc Quote: .. All  mu\ic is Foil mu\IC  I amt  never h  ard my hol"\e sing a   and CHALIS 1
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