Page 302 - chs-2002
P. 302

DOB  01 - 1~ - ~4                     favonte Song· ''Hold me light " by. OJ  lcey
                                               Plat.:e  G.unC"'\&IIe                 Fa"onte Quote. ''To mfamty and  beyond."
                                               Pel"on  \1tht Admu·ed  '\1ottk!r      GOdl\. To do the very bc't  tn e't-erythmg I do
                                               hl\onte .Song: •t  t!Ollt bad""  h)'  l 'her   !\.1cmon  '  Brral c.lanctng '-"'llh fncnd' and gomg to club
                                               f·aH)nte Quote:  \\hatc\er' ..
                                               o\~:l'umpll"'hment'                   Garret O,bum
                                               9th: JV Cheerleader.  ~:ademu.: Letter. Beta Club   1ckname: G-Moncy
                                               lOth  JV Checrle.lder. '<llS. A~:adcm1c Letter   O.O.B  12-02- 3
                                               lith: V.u"\aty Cheerleader.  HS. Academic Letter   Place: Gamcwille
                                               I ~lh  Var.ll~ Ch  erleadcr. 'liS. Beta Club   Perwn MoM Adm1red: Parent~
                                               Goah  To an end collcl!:t after ha~h -,chool and ~ "'U\:I:C\"'ful  1n  Y..hatcver I cho   Favonte Song:  "So what" by: Mctalhca
                                               to d') m life                         Favonte Quote: "Don't Jet  your fea~ face  you, face your feat\ ..
                                               \1emonc  llomcconnng  199  and  1999. 'cmor budt.he  at licld day '9  .   Goal  Go to college to be an cngmecnng.
                                               \1cctmg T  ·T hot bo}t. H  Whll  drama. M.A C  r<umon at T H \  hou   Memone>. Huntmg and fhh1ng. Honda Stale Manne Lab, gomg to - pam  Tho
                                               <halting "'''h PRO I·B pla}er.. eaung at R}an·  "'''h M W  VS.  and C B   good ume  at Chm'  hou   Me and Chn  m Panama City Be  -h  Duty'
                                                                                     hou  .
                                               Jcv~le Murphy
                                               DO B . 11 -(J'l- 2                                    p
                                               Pl<k:e: Gaane'"'lle
                                               Pc:r.on  Mo't Admarcd: \1other
                                               foa\onte Song· ··  l~il)  on tune" by: Ja Rule
                                               fa\onte Quote  .. , ha\  a dream··    Karen  Pad1lla
                                               Accompl&\hmcnh                        N1ckname: Kllt'tn
                                               91ll  JROTC A"'ard for  \1arl..;men>hlp   Place: Phllhpme !;land.
                                               Goal  To txx:ome a chacl  and ~n my o-wn  bu\&ne  'omeday   Pen.on Mo>l Adn11r<d  My fam1ly   Renea Elhs
                                                                                     Favonte Song: "I Thm to You"  By: Chn  une Agu1lera
                                               Jo,h Murphy                           favonte Quote· "You  never realttc what you have that'  spe..:1al. until  11'
                                               D.O .B . OK-!H4                       gone,"
                                               Pl.~.:e  l..lle ('uy                  Accomph  hmen\3
                                               Pcr"'n  1o"'t Adnurcd: C'hn' farley   9th: Fall  Dance,TRt;ST Club, Cheered for ba  ketball season. Spnng: 'o'""
                                               fa,onte Song  "Shppm" by  D\>1X       lOth  Acceptmg a whole new hfe m Lake Clly, FL. and meetmg new "'ondaful
                                               Fa\onte Quote: ··Kno'-"  )'Our roll ''   people at CHS
                                               Goal\. To gel  'en larger and ~:om pete a; a bodybUilder.  gradual  . go to college   II th  Student Counc1l.  WAT
                                                                                     12th: CBE. CBE S"'eetheart
                                               and  ~orne Jn  Jttl\1
                                               \1emone>  The good ume  and the bad. all the pep ralhe  • the football game  .   Goal;  Graduate from h•gh school and college and major m somethmg m the
                                               the part1c,, (The ChJIIc' mam1on).  true fnemh. and JU t bemg part ot  the   med1cal  field and conunue John C~blanca Modehng career.
                                               great  '>Ida'>  ol all . .:!CXl.:!'   Memone;  My  17  B  Day , '99 Spnng Br<ak Daytona" Beads", '02 Ch~< Guts.
                                                                                     Night out at G-v.lle. only made lllo loft  parlung lot "FOAM PARTY"
                                                                N                    Ju-.un  Park\
                                                                                     Nickname: Jut
                                                                                     D 0  B  9-27-83
                                               Jo,hua !'ola\atro                     Place:Game  ville
                                               ~H.:kname :  C'h1co                   Pe,-,on Most Adm1r<d: Parenll.
                                               0 .0  B  09-24-K3                     Favonte Song: " Back Where I Come From"
                                               Place· L1' M m.mda. C a               Favontc Quote· "There ya go"
                                               Per,on Mo't Adrmred: Mother. Mana L. Navarro   Accompl1shmcnt1t
                                               favonte Song  "Jump Jump Jump" by: True Vibe   9th.  Played JV and Var.•ty ba.;eball
                                               ~a"ontc Quot  ''Who.u :r·. "You're dumb.", "You  need a penn."   lOth  Played JV and baseball
                                               Accompll\hment'                       lith  Va.-,llY b;ISCball
                                               9th  Pcrf"cd Attendance. Technology Award  for Animation,  Band
                                                                                     12th  V=•ty ba  ball
                                               lOth  A -B Honor Roll. Out>tandmg Mu>1c1an. Band. Academic Lcuer, Who's   Goals:  Play baseball at college.  Get a  JOb w1th  Fi  h &  Game.
                                               Whom H1gh School. p.., >cd P  AT      Memone~ .  JH  & the Walmart tnp.  Prom 2001, The 0~1~ tr.uler chaM:, nver.
                                               lith  A-B Honor Roll. Spamsh Club, SWAT. Jumor/Prom Club. Perfe.:t   Pubhx. good limes wllh SC. Kyle Sm1they and the 8 m1le runs.  B FD.D
                                               Auendance. Nil  . Band
                                               12th: Drum maJor. LEO Club, Semor Club. Drama Club. Semor Cia;;   Jo;hua T  Parrn
                                               Tre<burer                             D.O.B  • 11 -30-82
                                               Goal\  Go to Sante fe or f<S  and maJor 10  Manne  B1ology. m1nor 1n Acung.   Place: Ga1ne~v1lle
                                               and become an  actor                  Pen.on Most Adm1r<d  Mark Spradley. Pete Skmner
                                               Memone,. Sh.tnellc Robm-.on fall  down  ~ttalt"\ at 9th. \lraight  ~tupenol"\ four   1-'avonte Song  "!low Do You  L1ke  Me  ow"  By: Toby Ke1th
                                               )Cal'\ m wmnmg llomccommg '01. Sku mght  '01. DC  'OJ , Bu  3 V.J  P.   Accompli..,hmcnb
                                               C R  '19 • CAL. ~H.  I" day of >Cmor year.   12th  Accepted mto the Unued  tales Manne Corp
                                                                                     Favonte Quote: " L1ke a Rock"
                                               Lar.:y  cwton                         Memories:  Gomg to Murphy  C for World Changers and hving m a  h1gh
                                                                                     school for a week while teenagers from  acros~ the country repaired hou'-C  for
                                               Truvanna Mar-.het Newton              lower mcome  fam1hes
                                               D.O.B  03-21 -SJ
                                               Place: Lake C'lly                     Jonathan  Parrish
                                               l'a,onte Song  "You  gotll bad" by: Usher
                                               Fa"·onte Quote: ''And''               Joseph Pam  h
                                               Accompll,hm  nh
                                               91ll: Ba,lct Ball. Lovmg Care  lub    Shane Pam  h
                                               lOth. Pa'  d KAT
                                               lith· I·CCLA. Pep Club. SWAT           ee5.ha Patel
                                               12th. H'CLA                           D O.B • 7-29-84
                                               Goah. To become an e<tecut&ve chef and own my own bu~me\\   Place: Cape May Court Hou  . NJ
                                               \1emone;. C'h1lhng "''th my 704  ladle> "'hen we all played basketballm 9th   Pen.on Mo l Adm1r<d.  My Parents
                                               grade, aJ,o JU\1  bring w1th them and hav10g fun,   Favorite Song:  "Angel of Mme"  By· Monica
                                                                                     Favorite Quote:  " Reach for the moon. even if you m1ss  you'll  end up amonJ
                                               Du  un  N~t:kodam                     the"
                                               Dcrok M•chael l'orn                   9th  Beta Club Troa  uror
                                               D 0  B  (14 -(J'l-84                  lOth  Leo Club. Beta . NilS, Spam;h Club
                                               Pl.tcc· Ml<ll111
                                                                                     lith: State ll~>tory fmr. Leo. NilS Trea.;urcr. 8th place m Med1cal Spelhn&al
                                               PcNm Mo,t Adm1red  Je\U\ C'hn\1       llOSA  nahonal Confer<nce. Who\ Who, SpaniSh Club
                                               l·aHmtc  Song  ··cro  'road' .. by: Bone Thug'   Harmony   12th: Who\ Who. National Honor Roll. HOSA Chapter &  Reg•onal Secn:IM)
                                               fa,onte Quote: "Only God ~:an Judge me."   HS. Leo • Beta. Spanl>h
                                               Acf:ompll\hmcnl\                      Goals: To become a pedmtrician
                                                lllh  hxllball                       Memone~: State Ht  tF..ur v.1th  LM, SLR, and SAR; Conversation  w1th MH
                                               Goal\. To become a nu~ ane~theti\t and to \tay w1th  my httle mama   Stay Crispy 1 "; Tnp to Atlanta: NS- "Hey Dude' Get out of the road'"
                                               ~1cmonc' :  All the tunc  10  the  '64  Impala and Orange Bubble \lllm on 20'  ,
                                               ~ctung ,a,ed, and l)e.,uny Sandage Ma  mama S1ct.a   irav Patel
                                                                0                    N~>ha Patel
                                                                                     DOB  10-11 - J
                                                                                     Place: G~noc<btle. lnd1ana
                                               Enn B  O 'neal                        Per.on Mo l Adm1r<d. Mother
                                               D 0  B . 05-20-K4                     Favonte Song. " It'  been a wh1le" by: Stamd
                                               Pla.e: l..lke C1ty                    Favonte Quote: "Don't ever frown. you never know who IS  falling  m lovt
                                               Per.on Mo l Adm1red: Melvm L. Goggms. Sr   your !tmile."
                                               Fa"onte Song. ''hc,ta"                Accompli\hments·
                                               fa,onte Quote:  "We fall down. but .. e get ba<k up."   9th: Beta Club, JV Soccer. A Honor Roll, Tiger Award
                                               Ac.:t.:ornpll\hmenL\                  lOth: Academic Lcuer. A Honor Roll. Beta Club, NHS. Vars1ty Soccer, M•  l
                                               9th  ltomec.:om1ng Court, Academ1c Letter   Sp1rited Award
                                                lOth. Academic Letter, Perfect Attendance   lith  Acadern•c Leuer. Spam;h Club VP.  Mu Alpha Theta, VarMty So.:<ct
                                                lllh  Academ•c Leucr. Pro\ldcnt of SWAT   Perfect Auen<lance. Honor Roll, MO\l Improved
                                               Goal  Grok.luJte  h1gh  ·h•M>I, go to f-AM  and maJor 10 Computer En~meering ;   12th  Academic Letter. S.R  Clw.; Voce  Pro  •dent. Mu Alpha Theta.~   I
                                               get marr1ed and have "nne kid!t, bench; and  Ja. ... t but  rT}(ht  Important, make 11  to   Soccer, Spam  h Club VP, Honor roll. 110  A Reg•on II  VP
                                               tlea\en                               Goal  : To go to college and become a  oc~..:e  ful  pharmac1~t or dentl~l.
                                               \1emune  . 2(X))  Kappa luau; Da Moon "'''h B.A : 2001  FAMU  Home~:ommg   mamed, and ha>e ch1ldron
                                               (TJ.  WS . TO . R (' , D W.); TL. who knu..  what the futuro m•ght hold';  I   Memones  Ch1lhn w1th the gang(Kil, AD, AM, SP, TM, JB KS. GE. GW~
                                               lu' I' J • fa >how cia:  of2002 yo boy E.B   Homeconung 9  • 99, 00, Ol , lr<e hou  • New Yean.  '01. JV Soccer. G.rl'•
                                                                                     mghts. St Augu  une. tng \Ongs, and  tudy group
                                                11~t1e Ohmer
                                                                                     Sonal Patel
                                               lboma  Olm  ted
                                                                                     Beth Payne
                                               Gerry Ort11                           0.0 B  05-16-84
                                               0 .0  B · 02-16-K4                    Pia  e:  Lake C1ty
                                               Plat:e: Ml;.tmi                       Person MO>l Adm1r<d  Mother
                                                Pcr~on Mo"'t Adnurcd. Je~tu          Favorlle Song. "No place that far" by: Sara Evans
                                                                                     Favonte Quote: "I can do allthmg; through Chnst who strengthen  me."
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