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Name. Kyle  Hamson Htckman
           0 .0  B. 719/88                                                              J
           PO.B  Gatnesvtlle.  FL
           Favonte Quote.  "May the force be w1th  you • Jed1  Master Yoda
           Favonte Song  Star Wars matn theme-John Wtlhams
           Accomplishments                                       Name  Ryan Jackson (Act1on  Jackson)
           9th. student counc1l  representative                  D O.B  4/25/87
           1Oth. student counetl  representative                 PO.B  Gamesv1lle, FL
           11th: student counetl representative, Jumor Club, AIN  Honor roll, Dual enrolled at LCCC   Favonte Quote  "B•g  Time players make b1g  l1me plays!"
           12th  Dual Enrolled at LCCC, AlB honor roll , 25 ACT score   Favonte Song  Still a1nt  forgave myself-TI
           Memones: REW, cracker barrel w1th  JC, MG.  And CB, TCBY w1th  JJ, alligator lake park w1th  KV   Accomplishments
           Halloween horror ntghts 05, Colv1n  and SHeth.  Homecomtng, steak and shake, Halloween 05   9th: JV  football, Vars1ty we•ghthft•ng  team, Vars1ty  track,  Mentor at Richardson  m1ddle
           With  JH and JM                                       school
                                                                 1Oth  Varsity football,  vars1ty we1ghtilfttng  team, varsity track, mentor at Richardson
                                                                 Middle  School
                                                                 11th: Vars1ty Football, vars1ty we1ghthfttng  team, vars1ty  track. mentor at Richardson
                                                                 m1ddle  school
           Name  Colby Huggtns
           0 .0  B  8/29/88                                      12th: Varsity Football, vars1ty we1ghtilfttng, vars1ty  track, mentor at Richardson M1ddle
           PO.B  Orlando. FL                                     School
                                                                 Memones: Ch1llen w1th  the homeys,  have fun, wtnntng homecoming ktng  for 2006,
           Favonte Quote  "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you  can do for your
           country· -JFK                                         be1ng  a capta1n  of the football team,  shoe1ng  everybody love because everyone love
           Favonte Song  Carry on my Wayward  Son-Kansas         Action #  20, go1ng  to m1ss CHS I'll be  back! Shaehan + Ryan
           9th  Symphontc band, d1stnct chatr FCCLA, mellophone 2"" cha•r
           10th: symphontc band , FCCLA dtslnct cha1r, section leader
           11th. honor band  church mus1cal, symphontc band, FCCLA pres1dent elect   Name: Jonayra Julissa Jacob
           12th. Tn- State, symphonic band.  FCCLA pres1dent, LCCC  mus1cal, army band  partiCipant   0 .0  B: 7/24/87
           Memones  Dead holes.  t•ckets.  UF camps, UF party, DSL, Niece, Bus tnps, Atlanta , Dallas,   PO.B  The Dom1mcan  Republic
           boxtng  MM. AN , JF, JS, WG AW KF, BJ. Gator basketball   Favonte Quote· "I  am as true as truth's s1mphetty, and Simpler than the  Infancy of truth ."
                                                                 Favonte Song. Me1n  Teii-Rammsletn
                                                                 9th  To  meet people and get good grades
                                                                  1Oth  to mees new people and keep up my grades
           Name  Gabnelle  Highland
           D 0  B. 1/12188                                        11th: to pass the FCAT and have a good year
                                                                  12th  To  travel. to make new fnends,  and to do all the th1ngs  I've never done before
           PO B  Gainesville, Fl
           Favonte Quote: "Never g1ve  up"                       Memones. All the crazy lh1ngs that I've done w1th  my good fnends like glash, tnmated that were
           Favonte Song  I should cheated by K1esha  Cole        1n  a bus, And much more that I won't say
           Memones  Work1ng  w1th  t1ger tots. my 9"' to  12  grades, and hav1ng a  Thanksg1v1ng  feast and
           gotng tnck or treating
                                                                 Name: Alic1a  Jern1gan
                                                                 D.O.B.  3/28/87
                                                                 PO B  Lake C1ty, FL
           Name  Knsty Hogan
           D.O.B. 11/15/87                                       Favonte Quote  "The road ahead will  lead to success."
                                                                 Favonte Song  Burn
           PO B  Ga•nesv11ie. FL (Shands)                        Accomplishments
           Favonte Quote· "What IS  a fnend? A s1ngle  soul dwelling 1n  two bod1es ·- Anstotle   9th  Pep Club
           Favonte Song.  More than words-Frank1e J              1Oth: Pep Club,  wetghtlifttng
           9th: to  get through my first year 1n  High school    11th  Pep Club, Step Club, we•ghtlifting
                                                                 12th  Pep Club,  Step Club
           10"'· to get through all the surgenes and getttng braces   Memones  All the crazy nights hangmg w1th  da hom1es,  Nesh1a  Gema, Cha, Clar'donna, Ne'Ne,
           11th  to stay fnends w1th  the ones who graduated before me   Gerrl. and chtlling  w1th  my brother B1gman, chilling w1th  my cous1ns,  Red.  Luck  P1g  S1erra  And
           12th. Gradualton
                                                                 walchtng Action w1n  Homecom1ng Ktng  '05.  Look1ng  at all  the haters, Keep on hattn.
           Memones  All of the people who became fnends wtlh me over the years  And my favonte is
                                                                 Name  Angel Johns
                                                                 D.O.B  1/11/88
           Name· Joseph C. Jesse Houle                           PO B  Orange Park-Orlando, FL
           D 0  B. 3/9/88                                        Favonte Quote  "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would  hope that I would
           PO B  Houston, Texas                                  not have a s1ngle btl of talent left, and could say.  "I  used everyth1ng You  gave me." •
           Favonte Quote. "An educated woman is like a gun that IS  a collectors 1tem.  wh•ch one   Favonte Song  In the Arms of an Angel
           shows to the cuneus.  but wh1ch  has no use at all." -Jean de Ia  Bruyere
           Favonte Song.  Gay Esk•mo-tenac1ous D                 9th · Class  President, Class Representative.  Homecoming court, Leadership, SWAT,
           Accomplishments                                       Interact, ROC. youth drama, and praise team.
           9th: Academ1c  letter                                 1Oth  Co-Captain of Jumor Vars1ty  Cheerlead1ng, Flonda Elite, All star metals, Student
           10th: National Honors Soc1ety  Mu Alpha Theta         Council  Representative, PCB 2003 Cheer Camp Allstar.
           11th  Boys State.  NHS, FFLA VIdeo Winner             11th: "A" Honor Roll.  Captain of Flonda Spmt Elite,  Vars1ty letter, G1rls State 1"' Alternative,
           12th. NHS.  Mu alpha theta.  section leader
                                                                 Academic Letter, and King's Daughter graduate
           Memones  Waffle house  golf course,  H+R Block. Stephen's house. nsk, Texas and   12th  Voted Vars1ty  Cheerlead1ng Caplatn,  Capta1n of Flonda  Sp1nt  Elite, Most School
           Atlanta, Etienne, trebuchet. Kirby  lunch,  dry 1ce.  beebo,  red dragon, fu  k1ng, Homecoming
                                                                 Sp1nled,  Homecoming Court, Vars1ty  Letter, and  Cheerlead1ng Camp Allstar
           05-06, Greg·s SISler, breakfast of champions.  Saturn, study1ng  math, super smash   Memones· "Where's the pots" -MF, Magg1e -GO, CD,  & DO,  Nestmg -MF, Down Dumb
           brothers, the bet, marbles, the bratns, smg1ng  g1ft  cards.
                                                                 Dog -GO, MF,  &JM.  Panama 2005 -AS, 2004 Spnng  Break (Mex1co and Key West) -DB,
                                                                 Allstar Stunt Group -EW, MS  & AT. Bumm -AW, Strawberry fest1val -DB, "Pudd•n" -JM,
                                                                 Present -MF  Gummy bears -MF, Yup:Tobacco Barns- SG,  BC. JC, MF,  AR, MH, and AY
                                                                 (our great stunts). Baby -MF  My Great Full Down -JC, MF.  AR.  Symboi-FSE.  We're go1ng
           Name  Candace  Hugg1ns
                                                                 to d1e -EW, Blue Honda - DB  TR, BE  My Fam1ly.  I love all of you I MISS  ya  CMS
           D 0  B  11/10/87
           PO B  Lake C1ty, FL
           Favonte Quote. "I always knew when I looked back on the tears I would laugh, but I
           never knew I would look back on the laughter and cry·   Name  Jenm Johns
           Favonte  Song.  Somebody's hero-Jam1e Oneal           D.O.B.  3/29/88
           Accomplishments                                       PO.B  Gatnesvtlle, FL
           9th  Freshman Club, Beta Club, Academ1c A Honor Roll   Favonte Quote: "Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt,  and D
           10th: Leo Club, Beta Club.  HOSA Club                 like  nobody's watching •
           11th  Got a JO~ad no t1me                             Favonte Song  Killing  Me Softly" by The Fugees & "Slow Mot1on" by Juvenile
           12th: Leo Club, National Honors Soc1ety,  OCT, Have a JOb  and found  t1me to be •n  a   Accomplishments
           couple of clubs.
                                                                 9th: Tenms.  Commumty Chorus  French Club, Cnm1nal Jest1ce  Club, Vars1ty  Letter, Academ1c
           Memones. Nanny, HOFA G1rls  , the matn crew Jennt, Francesca, Chnsta, and   Letter, "A-B" Honor Roll.  Leo Club
           Beckster  All of the fun t1mes wtth MD, CS, J$  TG. AM, MW  SO. AS, RN, JR, AS,   10th: BETA Club.  Cnm1nal Justice Club  French Club,  Leo Club, Certificate of Excellence 1n
           KS, and everyone else  Car taggmg . Free mov1es w1th  help of BB and lA  Great   Wnt1ng.  "A" Honor Roll, Academ1c Letter
           parltes and all  4 lostng homecomtngs                 11th  Cnm1nal Just1ce  Club  Leo Club,  French Club, "A" Honor Roll,  Dual Enrollment, AcademiC
                                                                 12th  Dual  Enrollment,  Leo Club
                                                                 Memones.  Red  Falcon, The "Hoofa  Gtrls!", Car tagg1ng,  "Bootylic1ous" karaoke, Rollito,  Prom
                                                                 dancing, car danctng, mcknames w1th  Cat, house alarm, "I'm too cute to go to Jail I"  nd1ng  w1th
                                                                 Ca1thn, TCBY mghts w1th  Kyle, mov1e mghts, tubtng  tnps.  Holiday Inn Lot InCident. the many
                                                                 part1es.  New Year's Eves.  sw1mmmg,  waterfall w1th  Jason. French Talk, road  tnps, beach tnps,
                                                                 nd1ng, the fa1r, racmg 90, and all my amaz•ng  fnends  JR, KH.  SC, CH,  BB, FF, CO, CS, LD, CM,
                                                                 ES,  MD. JS, MV, and IT.
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