Page 254 - chs-2006
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M                           Name. Oavtd  Mtlanes (Chtno)
                                                             0 . 0  B  6/30/88
                                                             P 0  B  Havana, Cuba
                                                             Favonte Quote  "Respect all trust none."
                                                             12th: Step Club,  Step team
          Name  Alan M  Mapp                                 Memones  When I met my fnends that are in M1am1  All the crazy thtngs I have expenenced With
          D 0  B: 5/24/88                                    them. The problems. fights.  and all  the thtngs we went through together  The struggles
          PO B  Valdosta . GA                                throughout my life starttng smce I was back m Cuba to my life now
          Favonte Quote  "The world  IS  yours •
          Favonte  Song  Vice Versa- Pastor Troy
          Memones  Chtllen wtlh my fnends Brad, Ben, Kenny, Danny, Jordan, and Wester the
                                                             Ebony  Moody
                                                             D.O.B  12114/1 987
                                                             PO B  Fort Lauderdale, FL
                                                             Favonte Quote  "Holla at cha gtrl"
          Name. Matt Marchtano                               Favonte Song  One Wosh
          D O.B  4-15-87                                     Accomplishments
          PO B  Tacoma, Washtngton                           10"  pep club
          Favonte Quote  "Ice cream Lt  Dan  Ice cream!"     Memones  When me and my boyfnend used to spend guttar tome  at the park and ride out of town
          Favonte Song  Honky Tonk  Ba donka donk            and go out to eat, and go to the movtes, make me laugh, and go to Wai-Mart
          91h  FFA, CJSA
          10th  FFA
          Memones  TNB. JLtttle  Jeff, T Mac, Ju Ju  Bean, Dem double D's, wild adventures.   Ana  Moore
          Jeff's house. TW. Btg  Mtke, Fu King. Blue Beast. the nver, Johny Bo. Silly Jo's,.  11/   D.O.B. 01/11/01988
          11/05, Wendy's  Knstm  Beck, CE
                                                             P 0  B  Pordmon1, Italy
                                                             Favonte Quote  "It's okay to look 1n  the mtrror and  not like what you see, but there's
                                                             somethtng when you g1ve  1nto that" Chester Bennmgton (Unktn  Park)
                                                             Favonte  Song  Sadte Hawkins-Relient K
          Name  Omar Mtguel Marrero                          Accomplishments
          0  0  B  7131/88                                   9" JV Volleyball, Honors Award
          PO B  New York Ctty Manhattan                      10"  JV Soccer, Academic Letter, Sconng  5 goals m soccer
          Favonte Quote  "Que Ia que hay pay o donde estan las muJeres •   11"  Vars•ty Soccer, Passtng Algebra  II, Academic Letter, Student Council
          Favonte Song  Dear Mama-Tupac                      12"  Vars1ty  Soccer, Sen1or  Class Secretary,  CJSA Htstonan
          Accomplishments                                    Memones. Mike snorttng mustard in  lunch and  anythong  else, Prom wtlh  my "love" wrecktng
          9th  JV Cross country, JV Soccer, Varsity Track and field   dtrt btke, pocket rocket, tee  cream, Little Hetal and her ptmp mobtle, Fu King, w1ggmg  out 1n
          1Oth  JV cross country, vars1ty  track and  field   Mrs. Kelley's AP  Bto class,  Mock crash •n  11"  grade
          11th: vars1ty track and field. Span~sh club
          12th. Vars1ty Cross Country. Vars1ty  track and  field
          Memones· I'm gotng to mtss all my home boys and home g1rls  that show me a lot a love
          I'm gomg to mtss my grandfather for betng there and showtng me love.
                                                             Chatlte  Moore
                                                             D.O B  11/22/1988
                                                             PO.B  El  Reno, Oklahoma
                                                             Favonte Quote  "Crapda"-The greatest lhtng you'll ever learn IS just to love and be loved 1n  return
          Name  Barrett McCaffrey                            Favonte Song  "Slick wtlh you" PCD  "We Belong Together" Manah Carey
          DOB  2/18/88                                       Accomplishments
          P.O.B. Greenvtll, MISSISSippi                      9"' FBA, MPA, Beta Club
          Favonte Quote. "There are no perfect men, JUSt  perfect mtenttons."   10" FBA, MPA, Solo and  Ensemble
          Favonte Song  Ins-Goo Goo Dolls                    11" FBA, MPA, Step Club,  Drum line
          Accomplishments                                    12"  FBA,  MPA,  Solo and Ensemble, Drum line
          91h  passed                                        Memones  Texas, band tnp, Band Chnstmas Party, "It's all  good" Catllin  1n Atlanta, 15"  btrthday
           10th  passed                                      party, Luv kttten (Katie), Best fnend Antonio and Enca, 16"  btrlhday party, "How does 11  feel" by Avnl
           11th· passed                                      Lavogne. "Together" by Avril  Lavtgne, "I believe •n  a lhtng called love" The Darkness, Guoolteen wtth
           12th  passed                                      Trumpets, Tuba  Dance. "Woo-Tang/Trumpet call" "Mare Bear" Mary Doonan, Joshua Paul Swatn
           Memones  Canadtan Bacon, tragedy on matn  BGP, chtck and  the coffee table, spackling   (Mallet Partners) Drum line  parltes at Daryl's and  Ftsh's house.  "Run to ya" (rap)
           at 5:00 m the morntng, dnvmg chuck's mustang      Scream line COL vtdeos, Prom all 4 years,  Chatlies Senior 17" B-day
          Name: Matthew McDonald                             Dan1el  Moore
          0 .0  B  3/6/88                                    D.O.B  7/13/1987
          PO.B· Gamesvllle, Fl (Shands)                      PO B. Lake Ctty, FL
          Favonte Quote  "How about dem Jets?" -Matt McDonald   Favonte Quote  "Just roll wtlh 11"
          Favonte Song  Who wntes your rules-Lower Class Brats   Favonte Song  "Billy's  Got Hts Beer Goggles On"
          Accomplishments                                    Accomplishments
          9th. asstslant dtrector to Ltttle Shop of Horrors   9"' passed
          10th: symphonic band, and honor band               10"  passed
          11th  In state, symphonic band, honor band. I had  a Mohawk.
                                                             11" passed
           12th: Honor band, symphonic band  Playtng gtgs wtlh Stuck in  a Doorway   12" passed
          Memones  Jammtng wtlh Arttsts  hang1ng out wtlh our crew, Boxmg, playtng gigs, spendtng   Memones  The fact that 180 days seem like a lifetime.
          lots of lime wtlh Bnttney  Hangmg out wtlh band ktds like -JF, CH, ST. JH, SA
                                                             Davod  Moore
          Name.  Torneshta la'sha  McGutre                   D.O.B  7/13/1987
          D.O.B  1/5/87                                      PO B  Lake Ctty, FL
          PO.B  Lake Ctty, Flonda                            Favonte Quote: "Do 11  Btg"
          Favonte Quote: "The road  ahead wtll  lead the way ·   Favonte Song  Sweet Home Alabama
          Favonte Song  Otlemma
          Memones  A.J. Hangmg out wtlh Leach Gen1a  Cha, Clardonna, NeNe.  05-06 school
          year. da park. Long  n~ghts,  homecomtng, all of my HATERS keep on  hatm.
                                                              Caotltn  Renee  Moreau
                                                              D.O.B  9/24/1987
                                                              PO B  Gatnesvolle, FL
           Name  Rebekah G  Mernll                            Favonte Quote  "People walk 1n  and out of our lives everyday,  but only true fnends leave footpnnts 1n
           D.O.B  9/27/87                                     our hearts"
           PO B: Gatnesvtlle. FL (Shands)                     Favonte Song  "Helena"- My Chemical  Romance
           Favonte Quote  "Don't take the words to heart that are satd  out of anger."   Accomplishments·
           Favonte Song· Play-Davtd Banner                    9" CHS  Band, Academic Letter, Honors Classes. AB Honor Roll, Symphonic Band
           Accomplishments                                    10"' CHS  Band, Certificate for Band, Honors Classes. AB  Honor Roll, Symphonic Band, Academic
           9th: SWAT                                          Letter
           11th  OCT Club (Dtverstfied  Career Technology)    11"  CHS  Band,  Honors Classes, Symphonic Band, Honor Band
           Memones  Turn•ng "18", RIP Ul Rtcky, homecomtng.  prom 2005. sen1or pep rally, Late   12"' FEA,  Honors Classes
           n~ghts wtlh rocky and steph. Derek (9-12), "Bags", tnps to  the beach. New and old  fnends,   Memories  Fun  Band tnps, Football games,  band camp-summer of 10" grade,  Bondtng ltme, "CAW"
           shopping wtlh fnends, 1- day as a sen1or, wet n wtld  2005, too many memones to  name.   AS&WM, "I  don't play" - WM, Peach  Bowl, New Year's '05,  Valdosta Kids,  Prom '05, Harvery's
           Good luck all  senoors!  Love yal                  Supermarket lol, "No ma'am" - Me&WM, "Nuh-Cole" My new BF-NB, "Oh my god" BB, "Listen" All  my
                                                              peeps.  10/08/2005, Livtng wtth CM, Danctng wtlh  RS&PS, "Yea  OK!" ME&WM, My fnends-love them
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