Page 95 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 95

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

              Johnson wrote lyrics and music, respectively. The last stanza went like this:

                                    “Lest our feet stray from the places,

                                    Our God, where we met Thee;
                                     Lest our hearts
                                    Drunk with the world’s wine,

                                     We forget Thee;
                                    Shadowed beneath Thy hand,

                                    True to our God,
                                    True to our native land.”

                     More  than  a  banker..  .When  Porter  Claude  Crapps,  Jr.  died  May  22,  1993,  he  was  known
              to  some  mainly  as  a  banker.  However,  he  was  also  a  chemical  engineer  (UF  graduate),  employed

              for  quite  some  time  in  his  earlier  days  by  the  DuPont  Chemical  Company.  A  great  humanitarian  and
              philanthropist,  his  death  was  a  huge  loss  to  the  area  business  community  and  to  many  civic

              improvement  groups  —  and  especially  to  the  Advent  Christian  Village  which  he  generously

                     Pulling  for  FSU  and  Tennessee..  .There  is  a  “personal”  reason  to  pull  for  FSU  to  win  the
              national  football  championship,  even  if  you  are  a  strong  Gator  fan:  This  would  be  the  first  time  a
              CHS  graduate  (Reinard  Wilson)  has  ever  played  on  a  national  championship  football  team.  And

              there’s  a  “personal”  reason  to  hope  Tennessee  does  well  -  their  head  football  coach,  Phil  Fulmer

              traveled all the way from Knoxville to attend our football banquet last year.
                     Terry  and  Betty  and  Sam..  .Citizen  Terry  M.  Tyler  wrote  Florida  Education  commissioner,
              Betty  Castor,  a  letter  bragging  on  Five  Points  Elementary  School.  In  it,  he  said,  “They  really  care

              about  making  kids  feel  important...”  Commissioner  Castor  was  so  impressed  with  Terry’s  letter,
              she  wrote  principal,  Sam  Markham,  “Thanks  to  Five  Points  for  providing  an  environment  where

              every kid is a winner every day. Well deserved kudos to all concerned.”
                     Personal  thanks  ..  .To  Karen  Sanderson  and  the  Modem  Woodmen  of  the  World  for  the

              lovely  “community”  plaque  and  the  delicious  take-home  chocolate  pie,  and  to  the  magnificent
             Altrusans  for  their  spectacular  “gala”  that  was  a  benefit  to  our  School  Foundation,  CARC,  and

              Happy House.
                     Dr. Mont’s book .. .Ed Montgomery, retired pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, has


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