Page 158 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 158

Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
                             Charter of the City oj Lake City
             principal and interest the entire taxable property of
             the City and the public utilities acquired and owned                 155/257
             by the City shall stand pledged by this ordinance.
             Each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of
             OneThousand Dollars, shall be dated September 1st,
              1905, and shall bear interest, payable semi-annual­
             ly on the first days of each September and March
              at the rate of five per cent, per annum. The prin­
             cipal of said bonds shall become due and payable
             on the first day of September, 1935. The proceeds
             from the sales of said bonds at not less than par
              value shall be used as follows:

                  (A)  The moneys arising from the sale of Twelve
             Thousand Dollars of said bonds or so much thereof
              as may be necessary to pay Twelve Thousand Dol­
              lars shall be used to purchase the Electric Light
              Plant and Water system of the Lake City Electric
              and Water Company and all the property, fran­
             chises and contracts properly connected therewith,
             excepting only money and accounts.

                  (B)  The moneys arising from the sale of
              Sixty-five Thousand Dollars of said bonds, or so
              much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used for
              the opening, grading, paving, widening and repair­
              ing of streets and for purchasing and maintaining
             one or more parks and Cemeteries and improving
              the same.

                  (C)  The. moneys arising from the sale of
             Twenty-five Thousand Dollars of said bonds or
              so much thereof as may be necessary shall be used
             for the purpose of providing a proper and scien­
              tific system of sewerage in said City.

                  (D)  The moneys arising from the sale of Ten
             Thousand Dollars of said bonds or so much thereof

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