Page 170 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 170
Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
Charier of the City of Lake City
city and the said board shall submit to the City
Council such reports and at such times as the City 167/257
Council may by ordinance require.
Sec. 17. Four members of said board shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The ayes and nays shall be called and entered upon
a journal upon the passage of every resolution or
order for the expenditure of money. Said board
shall by rules provide for the holding of regular
and called meetings. Members of said board shall
have a right to take part in all proceedings and
deliberations of the City Council on all questions
relating to matters under their charge but without
the right to vote.
Sec. 18. The board of public works shall not
elect or employ or appoint or contract with any of
its members or the Mayor or any Councilman or
with any City official.
Sec. 19. No member of said board or other
persons whether in the employment of the board
or otherwise shall have power to create any lia
bility on account of the board or of the funds
under its control, except by express authority of
the board conferred at a meeting duly and regularly
Sec. 20. The board shall have exclusive power
to make all improvements and expenditures under
this ordinance which shall cost less than Two
Hundred Dollars but shall let all contracts of over
Two Hundred Dollars to the lowest responsible
bidder unless otherwise directed by this ordinance.
Sec. 21. The board shall have exclusive power
to employ such heads of departments, engineers,
clerks, superintendents, laborers and other persons LCH-UUID: E8DD44AB-53A8-4AFA-B7BD-16C421D14A41