Page 299 - chs-2002
P. 299
9th: J V Ba ball
L he V llunt
DOS 11 ·31~S1 lOth JV Ba: ball. Gold Glove A"'arJ, 'liar oty letter
Pla.:c: Lale Coty lith. Var.oty Ba;eball. Mot Improved A"'ard
12th. Vat\oty Football. Va"IIY Ba.;cball
Pcr~on M«ll>l Adm1rc · My brother
~J\ontc S(llll .. Pu,h" hy: MJh.:hbox 1\l..cnty Goal Be all->tate on Ba;cball and go to college.
hl\onte Quote: ""CuurJgc ''the only rea\on anythmg C\Cr happen\ " Memnnc,. Pan.c at koonvallc, cru'\tn through Palm Bay, and chalhn 10
A~.:~.:ompll"'hmcnh TallyHo
lhh JV Sr".:'cr. Al:adcm1c Letter re~o:tplent. Spam'h Club
lOth: JV SO(~.:cr. At:.tdernu; Letter recap1ent. Spam\h C'lub Alfredo Johno,on
lith. Go"cmtlf'' All Star Re~.:1p1ent . American War Veteran!t 1rd place e ,ay
'WIOncr. Spam\h Club Scactary. Academ1c Letter ret:1p1ent. G1rh State Dawn John n
CandidJte, Uo Club. N.umnal Honor Socaety D.O B .. 06-<l -l!-1
12th Spano'h Club l'r<'ldent and S"'octheart.2(KII Homttomong Queen PIJ~.:e· Bn,tol C'onncctacut
C andodate. Acadcmoc Letter Re<opoent. Leo Club. Seta Club. atoonal Honor Pei"on M<ht Admared· Father
Society Favonte Sonr· Th1 I Prom1~ you ..
Goal _ Att nd the l!Ol\ 1Cf\lty of flonda and puf\ue my dream to become a favonte Quote· .. Let by gone be by gone ·•
p )l.:hiJtn t and my mterc t an c.:reall\te "'nttng. Ac omplhhment
\1emonc Da)tona. Cold.,tonc after Sal a dancmg, "'Antennae communica~ 9th. bcellent at do tn<t Solo and En mbl • Academoc letter
tion'', Spaan :':000, ''Blonde ~1omenu.", late mghu. in Game ville.bad lOth: J.V Soccer. Do tri<t Solo and En mble State Fe toval. Dew Club. Drama,
dmmg.Hollle\:ommg 200t ;·Ma~o. Robotac". and bean,_ "Lar Latma"' "<HS
lith Women·, Choru>.DI\tnct Solo and En...,mble. Spano h Club. Beu dub.
Kara Lee Hunter Dmma. 'HS . upennr at State
0 0 B· 06-2~-l!-1 12th, Cabaret. "HS. SeuCiub. Choru Pr< odcnt. Women' En mble,
Place Lale C'oty Joumah\m
Goal' To bcc.:omc a ucce,,ful M.uinc B1ologa t or ecolog1 t To ~et through
Pc"on Most dmore My SoylnenJ
~a\Onte Song: •·1 Walk Alone" by Oleander college
Fa'tonte Quote; Anythang " po .. ,ablc through Je u Chn t Mcmone Than gavang an Women· En!tf'mble. Straight upenor'l from 9th
Ac.:c.:ompla'\hmcnt grade to lith. Mr f"redcnco con~tantl) throwang e~r\. Bemg to~\Ct.l mto the
'lth Swrter lor J V. •olleyball and recco.ed mo t ompr<wed and bc\t defen\lve. Jar by the blob at the \.Cnaor pacnu.:.
\umber 4 on Vat\aty Tenm'\
lOth: Made Var .. aty Volleyball Team. 'WI..\ number I on the vanaty Tenm~ team Jo hua Johno,on
and reccoved M V P
lith: Val"\lty Volleyball. rec.:civcd bc'\t offcn'\a't·e. Placed 2nd in Tennl't D1 tnct\ Samuel John~o.on
at #I and rt.:eO>eJ M.V P
12th Vmoty liolleyball.receoved All Team Player at Santa Fe tournament. Got A;hley Ro lone'
Mo't Artl\111: and Jm finally ((rJduatmg D.O.B • 10-01-l!-1
Goal' Go on and play •ollcyball lor t; S F and &et my degree on a vo>ual am Place Sah,bury. Maryland
field Pmon Mo't Admored· Myo,ell
Memone,. CIL\\Ie on the bu 1n lith grade(an,ade JOke). Mccung Joel an 9th Favontc Song: "Cotton eye Joe"
grade.Coo.:b Holhday dunng tenno. a>on Senoor Skot>. Field Day. and the Favonte Quote; "In a world owhere )OU can be anythang. be you~lf."
Bon hre Ac.:complt'\hmenb
12th Voted Mo>l lnJovodual~>llc
Kennon Hunter Goal~. Becommg a foren!tiC pathologaM and bemg the future Pre 1dent of
I Memone Lah Y Lupc. Chn' C m Wadergren\ cia\~. Sileo\ and hi\ aha !tty to
annoy me. Jernod G. and I cholhn. Tabo .. (hche). Tabo Beth. me and her >}\tern.
Graddy and Thoma> on 9th grade JOUrnah;m.
Kombcrly Ingraham A\hley lone\
0.0 B 10-22·82
Place: Lake Coty Chari\ Lane Jone\
Pe"on Mo't Admored Maya Angelou ickname: Ree
P.J .. onte Quote "You're out of Controll"' D O.S • 12-23· 2
Ac.:cornpJa,hment' Place: Lake Coty
'lth Went to Orlando woth H lA and placed Jrd Perwn Mo t Admored: Grandparents
12th. Graduating woth the cia." of '02 Fa>onte Song: '"AI~>e'" by POD -
Goal .. · GrJduat .• mend a community college for 2 year\ then UCF to recieve Fa .. onte Quote "I can do allthmg't through Chrht owho strengthen\ m "
my · and Tcac.:hm{!: DcitreC. Accomph hmenl\
Memone't. I remember all the lllne\ Denatm and my!ielf were alway~ an trouble 9th CHS Color Guard. Choru\
for '\Omethmg we dad. Hangmg out owuh D<mille B. But in alii love each lOth: CHS Color Guard. FCA. Choru'
memory II th: CHS Color Guard. I'CA. Choru\
12th: CI IS Color Guard, I'CA. Drama Club. Drama Club Sv.cetheart. Choru'
J Goals: To become a kmdcr g<~tden teacher and have a large family 10
Mcmone\ I Oth gmde tnp to YC II th gr.odc trip to Wa;hongton DC.. getton~
lo't on the ghetto .. W S 1999-2001 .lOth grade M; B'> 3nl p. da". S.Camp
Rodn y Allen Jam<>
0 0 B .. 06-05-!!4 woth guard, Prom 2001. '"Born on the Backwood> .. ". "My face" hot. .My head
Place: Lake Coty i'tcold 1 "
Pmon Mo,t Admorcd M" llalhday
Fa>•>nte Song:'" )OU got ot bad'" by: U her Laton Jone
Fa .. onte Qume: "It doc,n't matter." D.O.B : 02-09-84
Accomplt~ohmcnh Plioce Lake Coty
Perwn Mo>t Admored: Father
Wth: lra<k and field manager 1-'a•ontc Song: .. Tell me u\ real" by: K-Ci and lOJO
lith. Tra<k and field manager Favonte QuOle: "Don't \Jeep"
12th:'' country team and Trad.. manager
Goal\ fo be an actor Accompla'thmcnb'
9th ~lag Team. Band. Seta Club. Hl\tory Faor
Rodney lame I (kh: Aag Team. Band. Beta Club
II th: C<>-Captaon of the Aag Team. tep team. gorl State. Bu;one 'Academy.
Beta Club
Julie Janil.\le'WI I 12th: Bu me' Ac;.~Jemy. Beta Club
D 0.8 · Q.l-27-l!-1 Goal\ To be e'oen more \ucce' ful and become a phannaci tor a '\Oc.:ial 'o'-Orler
Place: Santo Domm~o. Doman1c.:an Republic
Pmon Mo.t Admored. Rev. Rodney Baker Memone\ Hangan owath the M>UI 'tiSlaL. gym dance follo¥.cd b)' brealfw.t at
favonte Song. ". ow and Fore .. er" by· R1chanJ Marx the warne Hou . tnp .. to the 0\Cr. all the adventures of me. ~ic. and Le!
9th Honor Roll. 8 ta Club, Sand Member Stcphanoe lone
lOth: Honor Roll, Supenor r.lllng at di'ttrict and tate Solo and En,emble. Beta D.O.B: 10-03-81
Place Lake City
~~~~~~:.~~~~~:~e~ Sophomore on band Award. Mo>t Improved award for Pei'\On Most Adm1red: Father
Favonte Song: "I hnpe you danc.:e"
II th: Ac.:adenm; lett r. Superior Rating at Solo and Da!ttrict en,emble. Honor
Favonte Quote .. In a ""orld "here )OU can be anything. be youMif"
~II . B~ta Club. NHS, Mo\t Out tandmg Junior tn Band award. Band Officer 'latoonal Ment Commended Scholar. AP Scholar A .. ard. Band Accomplashmenb'
Sv.eetheart, llonor Roll. Beta Club. HS. Sand Bra> Capuin 9th: Symphonic Superior at conte~t
lOth Symphonoc Band. Sand Officer. Mu Alpha Theta. Superior at Conte\!
Goa), Attend J:'Jonda State Lmver'\HY and get a degree lith Symphonoc Band. Drum MaJor. Beta Club, upenor at conte,t. Fourth
Memnne .. Trumpet and te\e danc.:e!t. "Magby from G~by." Mn,_ Mac's .. blue
hght 'Pf''t;l) Mr \1ont\ '"fun11e "Mr. Fredenco\ "Bwa-ha-ha" Above all place on Wa:.hongton D.C.
12th: Symphonac Band. Drum Major. Beta C'lub. ational honor Soc1ety.
Band PicKtl!.:e and mnre Band
Supcnor at conte 1
Goal~: Attend the Communaty college for 2 yeaJ"\. then attend a umver\lly to
Tammy J<llm
obt.ain an elementary education degree
~allon Jernogan
fem:nen Jcm1gan
Da-.d Kelley
llannah Kollgore
ickname akla
DOD 8- 1-8-1
Pla~.:e Brun owack. Ga
Pel'\on Mo\t Admored • Condy Danoell
Au,tm JohnJOn Favonte ong •·Jt' been a wh1le" by· tamd
DO.B 02·11-!!4 Favonte Quote '"SpotTy'"
Place Gaanew1lle Goal> Gruduatong. to ha>< a family and be happy.
Peo;on \1o t Admored. I' ather
l·avonte Song 'Fcehn .... :·by: R Kelly RuMy Kinchen
Fa\Ont Quote· 'Th1\ 1~ the mo't amporh&nt game becau It's today." D.O B 01-29· 1
enior lnde 297