Page 301 - chs-2002
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'u.:knamc· Bhd;.e  Boy               I  O!h  1igcrett<>. NHS
     OOB .  JJ . ~O- 3                    I lth  Ttgerette>. HOSA. ~auonal Honor Soct<t}. Belol Club. FCA.  U·.O
     PI  ·c  Ll'< Oal                     12th: Swlmmtng. Trea:ti.U~r of IIOSA. Sec.:ret.ary of .  atu:malllonor s()I.;ICt).
     PcN>n M""t Admtred: Mother           Bet<~ Club
     F.-onte Song  ··Dear God'' by. Boy  II Men   Goal  Gmduatc from  U~ and become a Pcdtatnctan. get mamcd. and ha>c
     Favonte Quote  ··You'll  ne\o~er ln~ -where  you're  gomg unul you lnow where   \OillC kid\
     you've been··                        Memune,_  'tght before  -1:'-01. Home(;ommg  '01. mo\te mghh, 10 grade
     Accnmplt..,hmcnl\                    Spanhh cia'  . nootmg d<>"n  IT mer, ntght  at JB. Kll hou
     lOth  Marchtng Band Supenor>
     1 1  th  Man:hmg Band Supeno"        Lauren Mehl
     CJOOI  Play  for a go,pel group      D.O.B . 07-02-1!4
     MenxlOC\  Gomg to Ja~per to be wtth family and Lave Oak to he 'Wtth  fnend'  Marlton.  'J
     Vernon  Ma._..,ter\                  PeN>n M<ht Admtrcd.  M} Sht<r
     ~~elnam<  V-Mo                       ~a>onte Song: "Breathmg" by. Ltfchou>e
     0.0 B .. CJ.l-23-J!.I                Favontc Quote: "Tho  "ho '"'nd for nothmg. fall  for anythmg "-Alc>andcr
     Pla.:c:  Lake Ctty                   lft.lm1lton
     PeN>n Mo't Admtred: Father           Ac(;omplt,hmcnh
     favonte Song: ..  hppm'' by  DMX     9lh   JJIS. Academtc Letter
     Favorite Quote: ''Get  H up."        lOth  YB  ufl. Beat Club, Mu Alpha Tbeu- Jrd place. ~JHS. Academtc Letter
     Accomplt\hmenh                       lith- Bu\lne\  Edt tor of the VB. Clay Electric Youth Tour to \\a\htngton
     9th· J. V Football. Tr.tek           Wmner. Vai"Jtty  Bowltng. Beta.  HS. Acadcnm: Letter
     lOth  J.V  Football. Trad            12th  Co-Editor- m- Cht<f of the YB. YOT\Ily  Bo,hng. rCA. Beta.  ~HS
     I lth  Var>tty  Football. Wctght Ltfung   Goal\  Go to  'SF. maJOr tn Joumalt\m, be edttor of a maga11n. get mamcd.
     12th  Var..tty Football. Wctght Ltfung   and  rat~ a fam1ly
     Goal  . To attend college. get a degree m -omethmg. and lead a good hfc.   Mcmone>  Tra;h run' with JA, Sparkhng Grape Jute<.  'Jeep 0\CI">. GHWC
     Memon<>  All the yea" of football  wtth the boy>.  BW and the Heavy  hcvy   ""h KS , "clemcntary""llh SD. pumpkm  aod laugh  ""h BH, beach"'")
     Late mghb ""h DR. DG. SP. and TJ. J.V  football when"' mn on the football   "'th JC. YB  fun. Btblc  tudt<  • JTG\, RX ""h RC and AL. JJ""'TY  fatr "1th
     field                                 P and SR. NYE and tnp  to LO. Envtrothon "''th AJ. the only Juntor- BS. JZ,
     Victoria Masten.                     BL. MS. BJ. Elcctnc Tnp, "'th JL. Humcr'  cia>
     O.OB  CJ.l-B-84
     Place: Game  v1lle                   Laura Mendo1.a
     PcrM>n Mo>t Admt~: Mother
     Favonte Song: "Thunder Rolls" by. Garth Brooh   1i1Taoy  Meloy
     Favonte Quote: "I know you  10\.e me."   ackname: liffo
     Accomplt\hment                       D 0  B  01-01 -84
     9th:  Var..11y Softball and Soccer. Softball be. t dcfcn>~v< and   ·ond team All·   Place  Jad\onville
     State. JV Soc«r MVP. Htghe;t battmg average   l·avonte Song  · Muale  by   m"' hmg Pumpkm
     lOth  Varsity Softball and Soccer. Softball MYP and  cond team AII-  Favonte Quote: "Mother al-way!) told  l1lC never to take candy from  mullel-,."
     State.Gatne  ville  un  Player of the Week   Goah  Play tn a band and tr.ncl the "orld ... along "''th Davtd the ,)eepmg
     1 1 th  Vmtty Softball. 'ccond team All- Sute. Game  vtllc Sun Player of the   roadte.
     Week                                 Memnnc-,: Smttty. Meatloaf, Froltccd around.dn1pped multtplc ttme' cro~Ad
     I 2th  Var..ll} Softball              urfing. had an  unexpected run  an  wtth Chewbok,:(;a and Tube 'ock Bologna
     Goal  Gomg to college on a scholarshtp.   man
     Memones  Eggmg 'OJ. Rachel. Kcm and I breakmg the bat rack.  Koon \  mght
     before >ebool. calc fight\ wllh 'oftball. Rachel my foot. pant<  at   Telt  ta  Elatne Memd
     Frad'                                D.O B ..  10-10-83
                                          Place; Jack~nville
     Velvet  Mathe-ws                     Pcr..on Most Admtred  Mo<her and My<oelf
     OO.B : 07-JJ-84                      Fa,onte Song· "A' long a; you Jove  me' by: Back Street Boy'
     Place: Lake Ctty                     Fa.,onte Quote:  "'Whatever'"
     PcrM>n Mo t Admm:d: Mother. Carolyn Mathe"''   A comph\hmcnh
     Fa\onte Song: "U got It bad" by: Usher   9th  CH  Color Guard. Wmtcrfe  t Coun
     Favonte Quote: "'If you're gonna hate at  least let it be wmeth10g worth hattn   lOth  CHS Color Guard. Student> makmg a Dtffereoce for Chmt
     on."                                 I lth  CfiS Color Guard Lt<utenant. SWAT.  Prom Club
     Accompli  hmcnt                      I 2th  CHS Color Guard Caputn
     9th  Band                            GOJh_ To attend a um.,·cr.,tty and maJor  tn  p,ycholog). be an ;.u:u""' tor women
     lOth:  Band,  tudents Malmg a 01fference for Chn:\t   an  cruel countne\. al...o to be \UCCC:\\ful  m everythmg that  I do
     I Jth:  Prom/Jumor Class Club        Mcmone>: 47 Keyhole. Radto Road. )'argent rodeo<LT remember). droppmg
     Goal;: Attend LCCC for two year\ and then tran>fer to FAM  to maJor m   and rolhng(AW you  know the deal), Come together day(LT, CB. KBJ.
     nur.tmg.                             llomccornc pep rally  'OJ
     Memones: Meetmg Nek, Da Park, Aggt< comer. Prom 200 I. B K. all da hater..,
     graduation 200 I, station, da gym, dat noff. the Door\   Jay Mtddleton
                                          D.O.B  08-09-84
     Bacari Mayo                          PcN>n MoM Admtred:  Father
     O.O.B  10-04-83                      J·avonte Song  "Bound for the noor" by: Local  II
     Place: Lake City                     Favonte Quote· " I'll be alnght."
     Person Mo~t Admtred: God             Memone!): Greece. Europe. racing. home  vtdeo~ .  U
     Favorite Song:  "I'll be mis\mg you"
     :v~rite Quote:  "AIIthtng\ are pC>\\Ible through  hri\1 Je\u\ who \trcngthcn\   Ka  \andra Ml\tncc
     Accomplishments                      Mon1ca M1tchell
     9th: Basketball                      D.O.B  10-26-83
     lOth:  Basketball, Beta Club. FCCLA   Place Lake City
     I lth:  Basketball, Track. SWAT. Pep Club   Perwn MoM Admtred  Ltnda AndeN)n
     12th  FCCLA. SWAT                    Fa\Onte  ong: "Yourchtld" by:  Mary J. Bhge
     Goals: To always keep God at the center of my ltfc. Alway  tn><  to be the be>t   Accompli,hmcnt.!t
     that  I can be. mall that I do.      9th  SfJS Choru'
     Memorie~ :  My fondest  memones are  tho  that  1 have \hared owtth  my   lOth  rhoru'
     gtrb. the 704 Ladt<'                 12th  FCCLA
                                          Goal\  Go to a four year college and become a mtcrobtologl\t
     Slade MeCandlc                        1emorie\: Commg to th1  'Chool. getttng to JOtn club  . and mecttng new
     0.0 B  CJ.l-24-84                    people.
     Place  Lake City
     PcrM>n M"'t Admtred.  Parent         Du  un Mobley
     Favonte Song: "Tuesdays gone" by:  Lynand  kynand   D.O.B .. 02-02-J!.I
     Goals: Graduate from CHS, puriue a carttr m Law Enforcement. and marry   Place  Winter Ha'tcn. Fl.
     and have a family.                   Pef"'n Mo\1 Admtred  Julte  Jan~&cwitl
     Memone  Late n1ght\, C'htp cJbm. tnp  to the rivrr. the Jtmmy.  am\ Atr~   Fa,ontc Song  "Fncnd .. by.  Mtchael W  mlth
     Max. Bum  . clay ptl\, Chri' C'  field.  Btrley Rd ..  heavy Chevy  Homccommg   f·a,onte Quole: "God ow til  ne'ter lea\ie you nor f~e you'"'
     '01. and Haley D ..  'o><mber 17.2000.   Acc.:ompli\hrntnb
                                          9th:  Beta. Supenor at Solo and En\Cmble. Mo\l Out\tand1ng Mu,lc.:tan
     Brad McGniT                          lOth  NHS. Supenor at Solo and En"'mblc
                                          I I th  Supcnor at  olo aod En  mble. Drum MaJor
     1imothy Mcktft'                      12th. Tn- Sute honor Band
                                          Goal   1 -want  to go to UF and major m chemacal engtnecnng. graduate. find  the
     Travi  Anlhony Medetro               pcrwn God ha.' rc for me. and create a famtly  focu~d on God
     OO.B. 06-19-84                       Memorie\.  Fnday mght football  game  . conle,h. band pr.K:ttcc\,jO  mg abt.lUt
     Place: Tampa. H                      b;>d  fa.,hton. Ooat butldmg. AP cl:<""· the blob. H.trmony Bay
     Pcr>an Mo t Admt~. Father
     F:-vonte Song: .. 'llle mght  1 called the old man out"   Chad Moore
     Favonte Qoote; .. Human\ were gtven free  w&llto do -wuh  -what the -want  I hope   D.OB .  12-19- J
     Heaven hn't o"er run  by antmal.  "   Place  Jrvmg. Tx
     Accomph,hmcnt  :                     Pc..on Mo>t Admtred  Debbt< Moore
     9th:  Pre"~tdent of Jumor Beta Club, Academic Lett  r, Var\llY Tenm  Letter   Fa>ontc Song  "All  w" by· Smash 'l.louth
     lOth: JV Scxcer Captatn, Academtc Letter   Fa.,onte Quote: "You kno-w  it\ true lo"e ~hen you c-.m't  ... Jeep  bc~au-,c realtt}
                                          I' better than your dream-,:·
     I ::!'re~<ta Club vtcc Pre;ident. M C. for Mt  ,  CHS Pageant. D.A  R E.  Roll
                                          9th  A Honor Roll. Spanl\h A~Aanl, Academtc  Letter. 2nd Pl.tce m Counl)
     12th:  emor clot  Pre~&dent, NHS  Pre~adent. Beta  Jub  o- Prc\ldent. Voted
     Mo,t Ltldy to Change the World       hl\lory t-'atr. Scholar Athlete A~Aard
     Guah,  Jam leanmg toward M>me career 10 engmecnng but my mmJ may   lOth  A- 8  honor Roll. A  ademtc Letter. Perfect Attendarce
     change to bu\tne  or real e\tate.  I -would like to have a ma\tel"\ at the age of 22.   lith  hl Place 10 County 111\tory Fair. Perfect Attendance, Academu.:  Letter,
     Memonc  Bunk. Clay, Prom "''th A  hleylth< bC>t umc I'>< had). the   Scholar Athlete A"ard
     \o\-Ombat.  there'' noth10g lik.e wnttng the  wmnmg ~ktt 2 year\ 10 a row.   12th  Uectcd to the nondaAII - tar h10tball Team.YaT\Ity  Footb.lll. 27  CT
     A'hley Meek                          Goah.  I .... ould hke 10 become a chcmtcal engtnccr after anendmg:  LF
     OOB.; OJ  15-J!.I                    Memone'  J.A.C  Prodm:tton-,, S C  at M 8 ·, hou  . -w.ner b.tllocm-,, p.unt ball.
     Place: Game  ville                   l<>otb.tll.  rolhng do"'n the hill. great lnend>  A LC L'  ""hAS  I loll).ll R
     Pef'M)n  Mo:\t Admtred:  Mother      A.S  and A L.
     Favorite Quote: "'I  don't know"
     Accompl1~hmenb.                      Dale Mo"'ry
     'lth:  Tigcrettc
                                          Ann Murphy
                                                                                                    enior lnd   299
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