Page 253 - chs-2006
P. 253
Name Nathan Anthony Jooner L
D 0 B 417/87
PO B. March Aor Force Base, Roversode, Cahfom1a
Favonte Quote "Adapt like water" - Bruce Lee
Favonte Song. Little Deuce Coupe-Beach Boys
Accomplishments Joey Law1on
9th Cross Country D.O.B 09/09/1988
1oth Comong to CHS, gettong my ford Tempo PO.B· Pensacola
11th Blowmg up the tempo Favonte Quote "Today os a goft. that's why ot's called "The Present"
12th skoppong school for the first tome Favonte Song "Stay Woth Me (Brass Bed)"- Josh Gracin
Memones· Taco bell behond the Lake C1ty Mall Road Tnps woth Rochard to Cocoa Accomplishments
Beach. Advanced Auto Parts Sleep1ng on the beach. Campmg for the XBOX. 360 9"' Started m 2"" year of chorus, SWAT, Drama Club
10"' Chamber Smger on CHS Chorus, Honors Classes
11" Chorus Ensemble, Concert Choir, Chamber Smgers
12" Honor and AP classes
Memones My greatest memory was meetmg my best friend Nocole She moved here in the 1 0"'
K grade and has always been there for me She always makes me smole, and she has a sparkmg
Stephame Kelley
0.0 B 11/1/1987 Shelby Rene Lee
P.O B Lake Shore Hospotal, Lake Coty, Fl D.O.B. 11/20/1987
Favonte Quote. "Good thmgs come in small packages" P 0 B. Lake Coty, FL
Favonte Song "Boondocks" by Little B1g Town Favonte Quote "Be a leader, not a follower"
Accomplishments: Favonte Song Stock Woth You-Pussy Dolls
9 French Club, Band, 2"" place Regoonal Sc1ence Faor, Gorl Scout Solver Award, Dance Accomplishments
10" French Club, Band, 2"" place Regoonal Scoence Fa1r, Dance 9"' Band
11" Academoc Letter French Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Band, Dance 10" Weoghtloftong team, Color Guard, Band
12"' French Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Band, Dance 11" FCA. French Club, Jumor Club
Memones CHS Football Games; when the band went to Texas & Georgoa, FBA, Youth Ski 12" HOSA
tnps; Goris Scout Campmg Tnps, French Club Field Tnps Memones· "The Real LC" UMAF, Bahama Mama, Tally, Homecomong '05, S.S,
Dawg, Post ot notes, Gucco, OW, F N, Four-wheeling, 9/3/05 Moose
Jamecoa S Kelsey
0.0 B 03/13/1988 Jacob Little
PO.B Lake Coty, FL D.O.B; 01/07/1988
Favonte Quote: Do it big den P.O.B: Gaonesvolle, FL
Favonte Song Love by Keyshoa Cole Favonte Quote. "What 1r
Accomplishments Favorite Song "The Eye of the nger" "Stay Fly"
9"' makmg ot to the 1 0"' grade Accomplishments
1 0" makong 11 to the 11" grade 9" J.V Football
11" makong otto the 12"' grade 1 0" J V Football
12" Graduatong May 23, 2006 11" Varsoty Football
Memones. All of our homecommg pep rallys and games Homecomong week Passing FCAT 12" Varsity Football
Memories: T-N-B, The Gutless. The Blue Beast, My Batman Nockname, Goong crazy on 11/
11/05 with J-Peasy at the faor
Charles Justin Kent AKA= Chuck
D O.B 5/17/1988
P 0 B Gaonesvolle, Fl (Alachua General Hospotal) Reginald Lockley
Favonte Song A moment of Silence- Sreetloght Mamfesto D.O.B: 8/11/1987
Accomplishments: P.O.B: Gainesville, FL
9" Passed- good grades- Academoc letter Favorite Quote "It's not the soze of the dog on the fight, ot's the size of the fight in the dog"
10' Passed- god grades- Academoc Letter Favorite Song "Daddy Love"-LL Boosok
11" Passed- good grades- Academoc Letter Accomplishments:
12" Hopefully Graduate- good grades 9" J.V Football. Weightlifing, Dostncts in Track
Memones These 4 years have brought to many to hst 10" J.V. Football, Weoghtloftong (Sectoonals). Dostnct Track
11" Lettered on Football, SWAT, Playoffs on Football
12" 2 yr. lettenng on Football
Memories Forst day at hogh school, My first pep rally, Havong younger kods lookong up to me
Amy Kombrell
D O.B 3/11/1987
PO B Gaonesvolle, Fl
Favonte Quote Never put off tomorrow, what you can do today Ashley Lucas
Favonte Song Nickleback- somday, Amencan odoot- Greenday D.O.B: 03/18/1988
Accomplishments PO.B Lake Coty, FL
9" I receoved my 4 year scholarshops Favonte Quote: "What goes around, comes around, love like you've never been hurt, song
10" like no one's llstemng, dance like no one's watchong, live like there's no tomorrow·
11" Accomplishments
12" I made 11 through my hogh school years 9" Varsoty Basketball. Softball. Track, Cross Country, Golf
Memones I have many memories from hogh school. I really enjoyed them all. 10" Varsoty Basketball, Softball, Track, Cross Country, Golf, Homecomong Court.
Represenatove for Echols County, GA
11" Varsoty Basketball, Softball
12" Varsoty Softball
Jamee Kong Memories The Helicopter Pad, Tarver, The Packong Shed, FAMU Homecomong,
0 .0 B 1/24/1988 Basketball Camps, DSGB, Down South Georgoa Boys, Gnts. Youngjunk, Wonfield and
PO.B· Lake Coty Fl softball
Favonte Quote: "There os nothong too hard for God"
Favonte Song Thos Battle os Not Yours , Spend My Lofe Woth You
9 Cheenng @ my old school Cross Hogh School Carla Mochelle Luoso
10"' Adapting to a new school, state, and coty D.O.B: 2119/1988
11" Interact Club, Students of Excellence Club FCA Club and Junior Class Club V.P. of PO.B· Malden, Massachusetts
Step Club Favonte Quote "No one can make you feel mferoor wothout your consent"-Eienor
12"' Spamsh Club & Presodent and mostress stepper of the Step Club GRADUATING Roosevelt
Memones Chollln woth my gorls and makong the best of every sotuatoon. I wanna gove a
shout out to my spee~al Angel my mama, Ms Verlean Rong, and to my prayer warners.
Shao Pammoe and Clyde.