Page 95 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 95

Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
                             Charter oj the City oj Lake City
                  To cut, break, bruise or destroy any of the
             shade trees upon any of the public streets, squares                   92/257
             or parks;
                  To cut, mar, injure or deface any public build­
             ing or property;
                  To congregate upon the sidewalks to the hin-
             derance of passersby;
                  To ride upon the sidewalks;

                  To permit horses, mules, oxen or other animals
             to obstruct the sidewalk;
                  To play at any game of chance for money or
             other thing of value;
                  To resist an officer of the city in the proper
             discharge of his duty;
                  To refuse to assist the Marshal or police in
             making arrests when required by them;
                  To keep a disorderly house;

                  To keep open any store, shop or other place of
             business or to sell or dispose of or offer to sell or
             dispose of any goods, wares or merchandise on
             Sunday, Provided, That drug stores, Boarding
             houses, hotels and restaurants may be kept open
             on that day; and Provided, That newspapers, cigars,
             soda water, ice cream, bread, fruit, cakes, ice, and
             milk may be sold and places kept open for that

                  To sell or offer for sale any unwholesome pro­
                  To keep a house of prostitution;
                  To loiter and beg upon the streets as a vagrant;

                  To remove or tear down notices or signs ex­
             cept by permission of the proper person interested
             in the same, or by permission of the owner;

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