Page 300 - chs-2002
P. 300

Pla~e  fla"'-thomc                    Enca L<vy
                                               Per.on M<ht Adrmml  My  II
                                               f ol\ontc Song   You'rt" my An~cl"
                                               ~J\Ontc Quote  "'It  "'II ,ct v.oi"'C befo~ It get' bcucr·~
                                               {j('''''  . To ~c.lmc a tire fight~:r   Mtchad L<w"
                                               \1emone   I "'II n•"  r forget all the good  lnend  I had  AI"' I wtll ne>er
                                               l<>rget  Sandy  Roge"  The one I a.\l<d to marry me.   Jo,h Ltcl
                                                                                     D O.B . 01·20.84
                                               John Samuel  Ktng                     Place: La  e Ctty
                                               ''  C'hacl                    Pci'\On Mo't Adm1red· Father
                                               D O.B  : 05 - 15 · 8~                 Favonte Song: "We ready" by· Pa.\tor Troy
                                               PI  ·c  Gaane  valle                  Goal\  Go to college and get a good JOb
                                               Pcl"!on  1o't Admared  Mother         Mcrnone-.. Ch1lhn 1.1t  Maddox\ hou  , ndmg m the   ntra and JlOnUae, han
                                               ~a,onte Song  " \lihrpprng Po\l" by: The Alman Broth<" Band   at Pml.. ·  hou'e over the summer
                                               hl\Ontc Quote  .. II  )OU c;.m't be v.ith the one you  love. love the one you're
                                               14-lth"                               Jenna Lntle
                                               An:omplt,hmenh                        D.O.B.  02·2~84
                                               9th : A· B llonor Roll. Student Counctl. Peer M<dtator   Place: Game  v1lle
                                               lOth ; A-8 Honor Roll. C'nmmal Ju\tu.:e  tudent A~MX:  . Student Counctl.   Perwn Mo t Admtred: Mother
                                               L<ad<"htp, Rela>  for Ltfe. Peer M<dtator. Teen Court. SWAT   Favonte   ng:  When you \3y nothtng at all"
                                               lith : Mu Alpha Theta. Cnmtnal Ju,u  e Student A\>0<:  . Student Counctl,   Accomplishment
                                               L<adel'hrp. R<ia>  lor Lrfe. Peer  1<diator. Teen Court.SWAT   9th  Peer m<dtatton, Cheerleadtng
                                               I :!th · Pfto\ldcnt ol Ht.•nda La'*  Honor Socacty. Cnmmal Ju  ucc Student Av~oc   lOth  ~ren<h Club: Che<rleadrng
                                               , Student Counctl. L<ad<"htp. Peer M<dtator. Teen Court. Var.tty ~ootball   II th.  rren<h Club. Che<rleadtng
                                               Goah  Gr.kJuatc lmm a four )Car l'na\er,aty. go on to get my law degrtt.   Goal  Go to a communuy college for two yean.. then go to a un1ver..U), get
                                               \Cttlc dov.n v.llh a nKe garl  an a qUiet  httle M>uthem tO\o\.n  and pmcucc law   mam<d. and have a good ltfe
                                               \1ernonc   BW. Hea\y Chevy. boy  mghb(thanl~ mom). day~ on m·er. mghb   Memonel!.:  Late n1ghllt m G·vtlle; Ltl"  Dave's; JB-hot gtrlz; home v1deo  "'th
                                               at cabtn\, ISK.  BW. JR. CS. CC>. VM,"  rm  wagon. European tnp,l8th B·Day   JM: •leep over at clay ptt;, Randall's angels: pow "'ow (FAB·5);KK'
                                               at  Brr D                             apartment
                                               Cory Kntght                           Jercd L170tte
                                               D O.B   10-19-8'
                                               Place  Lale Ctty                      Fn<da Llama
                                               Ac~.:ompll'hmenl'                     D 0  B  05-01·84
                                               9th  Parttctpat<d tn  FI-A            Place:  Lo. Angel<  . Ca
                                               I I th . IX'T lkart Throb             Pei'On M  t Admrred. M  ther
                                               Goal\  · To go to college and become a cnmc: -,eeoc patholog1  t and computer   Favonte Song: "  Dafference  " by  Genume
                                               tcf.:hnic1an and bec.:omc one of W  FBI'lt top crime: \oeenc  m\e. ugator\   Favonte Quote: "Letu go."
                                               \1emone\  The only memorie\ I can e:tpre  lt  are the good memone  I have   Goals: To become a nurse pracuttoner in the field of piMUC  urgery. ov.n m)
                                               v.1th Jam1e  R1  hanl  \!Of.:e the fil'\t grade and gomg to all the convenuonlt ol   own house at age 21. and hve 1t up to the fulle  t
                                               FFA tn 9th grade                      Memone  I" party at MG\ wtth KP.  first day of  ummer ·oo (Ruth'• plac<~
                                                                                     Prom '01, clubbtn wrth  KP and RE.Ilalloween ·oo. Ba;cball game  w<th  KP
                                               Jerry  Koon                           "Biacl Ltght" (5·6-7-8).
                                               D O.B   12-10·8'
                                               Place  I T  Whrte                     Caleb Lop<£
                                               Pe"on Mo,t Admtml  Chank Cruz         Ntclname  C·Lo
                                               ravonte Song : " Bacl Where I Come From" by  Kenny Che. ncy   D.O. B  08-25·84
                                               favonte Quote  "you \tuck"            Place:  Mexico C1ty. Mex1co
                                               Accompll\hment\                       Pen.on Most Admired:  Mother and Father
                                               9th • J. V  Ba.>eball                 Favonte Song. "Alway• be my baby" by:  Mariah Carey
                                               lOth  J.V  · VJI'tty Ba>eball         Favonte Quote:  "'lt"lt over" and "I puty the fool"
                                               lith  VJI'tty Ba  ball                Accomplt\hmenu
                                               12th\tty  Ba  ball              9thAil  n  rRoll
                                               Goal'  Graduate, go to college. graduate, get a good paytngJOb, and get out of   lOth  Who'  Who Among Amencan htgh School  tud<nt
                                               Lale Ctty                             lith  Who'  WhoAmongAmencan htgh School Student;,  altona!  Honor Roll
                                               \1emone,  Pan1e  Jt Koonv11le. brother\ graduatiOn party. crul\mg the   12th:  Heart Throb for LEO Club
                                               plantation. B&B parltng lot. chrlltn on the porch. mght before -.chool, the nut   Goah.  BC\:omc a neuro\urgeon
                                               "e<lend. 2001  pnng Breal             Memone\  Htdmg m the cabtnet. com10g 10  the back door.  lOth gr.sde field doiy.
                                                                                     ~mor pacmc. Spam~h movielt, geumg married. eating out. my twin brother.
                                               M1randa M1chele Koon                  Mrs. Mac'lt claltlt
                                               D.O.B  09·19·81
                                               Place  Lake Ctty                      Jenmfer Lynn Lowe\
                                               Per,on Mo~t Admued  Mother            ickname: J10ky
                                               Pavoruc Song  "Back Where I Come From"   D.O.B  06-24-8]
                                               I avonte Quote  "One who never trie  never \Ucceed\" or "If you're not a   Place: Danvtlle. IL.
                                               I  adcr the v1cw neo,;er change\"     Pef'\on Mo t Adnured:  Parent\
                                               Accomph\hment\ :                      Favonte Song: "Got rt bad" by·   her
                                               9th  A·B Honor Roll,  Lady Tiger  oecer Team. J.VTrack team   Favonte Quote: "Don't hate me  becaulte I'm beauuful. hate me becau  e I'm
                                               lOth · L<ader\htp. Student CounCil. s .. at Trea;urer. A·B llonor Roll, Who\   gorgeou  "
                                               Who Among Amen  an lltgh School Student;   Accomplishments
                                               II th : Junior Cl;t;; Seeretary.L<adershrp.Student Counctl. Who'; Who Among   9th  J. V  Volley Ball
                                               American Hrgh School Student;, A·B llonor Roll   I  Oth  VarMty Volley Ball, Var..tty letter
                                               12th: Columbta County SWAT rep ..  tudent Coun<tl, Secretary for the   II th  FCA Pre"dent
                                               tobacco free  partn<r\htp, llOSA pre  tdent. Who\ "'ho among Amencan lltgh   Goal\: Attend the Umver\11)' of Central Flonda and maJOr 10 cnm10al
                                                chool  tudent                        p,ychology
                                               Goab  : To go to mahcal o,chool and become a card1olog1't. marry C'hud. .. and   Memone.  Parttes at my ho~. lnumerv1lle. pracuce field. dorm\ w1th  MaJant,
                                               have l'-"O  ~.1d                      sleep over\ at Tracey'\, Doc, Tangenne Orangutan. Bat C8\.C,  52799 TKO  Bno
                                               Memone~  Jen  Lmle-gla~' of '-"iller;  Heather Bryant ~ all of our ch1ldhood   and Davtd (Brg Brothel"), llll
                                               mcmorie~; Bnttany Dunn-all of our fighb and make up~. Ju  un Ron\met-
                                               encouragement                         Brian LucM
                                                                                     D.O B • 11-27-81
                                                               L                     Place: Gaaneltvllle
                                                                                     Pel"on Mo>t Admrred  Grandfather
                                                                                     Favonte Quote. "What d1d  I do'?"
                                                                                     Goal\  Gomg mto the Manne  orp
                                               Jo,hua Lake
                                               Tonya LaPlant
                                               DOB .  II~B·'                         Tame  ha Lyman
                                               Pl.,ce: Charlestvn. S.C               tckname  Btg Baby
                                               Per.on Mo  t Admtml  Ju\ltn llall     D.O B  08·18-84
                                                                                     Place: We>t Palm Beach. H
                                               fa'<'onte Song: ''peaches and Cream"   PerM>n  Mo  t Admared:  Mother
                                               Favonte Quote: " LO\<d by many. hated by few. confronted by none,"
                                                                                     Favonte Song: "Ltfe Time" by:  Prophet Jones
                                               9th:  Band, Supenor\ at FBA           Favonte Quote  ··she get~ at  from  her mama."
                                               lOth: Band. Supeno" at  FBA           Goal\: To become a nur\e pr.k;lllloner at a popular ho!'>pttal
                                                                                     Memone>. When all the o;c:mo" had lunch at Puza llut before pep rail«  ot>d
                                               lith.  Band. Supeno" at  fBA
                                                                                     Homecommg pep rally when "'e all got together to apprec1ate each other
                                               12th. Band. Supcnor> at FBA
                                               Goal\· To graduate and go to college   Katrell  Lynn
                                               Mernone\_ Ch1lhn v.1th  my fnend  Ju\tm and  icole.  Band tnp.  v.e have took
                                               Makmg \UJlCfiOI"\ at FBA  Breilkmg dov.n on the hagh'-"JY commg back from   M
                                               the beach
                                               Chnstopher &:on Lamunore              Fiden<:to Macdonald
                                               D.O. B.: 0Hl2·84
                                               Pl.,ce:  Jad.wm~alle, AI              Theodore Madr\On
                                               ~1emone  V.eckend Panae'
                                               Came La:  un~er                       Nrclname: Rocky
                                                                                     D.O.B . 07·16-81
                                               Ja~nn Laulxnhcamer                    Place:  Lake Ctty
                                               DO.B.  12-22-8~                       Pei'Dn Mo t Admtred.  Mother
                                               PI<K:e:  Game  't'llle                Favonte Song. "What tt ., .. by. Bu  ta Rhyme
                                               Pel"'on .\1tht Adma~d: Mother         Favonte Quote: 'lo be the  be~t you have to learn to be the best"
                                               Fa...,onte Song  ··Hov. you rcmmd me" by: Nicklebad.   Accompli  hmcnllt
                                               Goal\  Lrve to be old. nch. and thought of to be a good pe""n   9th: 'Wa\ p1cled to take collel"le clas! over the ~ummer at LC  C
                                               '..1emone,, Tho~ "'aid '-"eekend' at Goober'\ hou...c. the death dcfymg St   lOth:  V31'rty  ~ootball
                                               Augu  ... tme cha   1  Cra.,hm on the beach wtth Chct and Goober   II th  VJI'tty Trophy.2nd leadtng tacller
                                                                                     12th: Vllt\rty Captarn and leader
                                               Sh<tla Legurre                        MentOne  I've gotten 25  tropht<  from  port  and >chool  tnce the ]rtf gr.ld<
                                                                                     For my memune~ I am going to m1   my friends.  family, and tc·  ·her\  Mo t of
                                               Pn~alla Lennard                       all  I' m gotng to ml\  my babyTL.W.
                                                                                     Marqut   M=hall
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