Page 147 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 147

Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
                               Charter of the City of Lake City
                filling graves, to be paid by the person directing
                the burial of the corpse. Provided, That in the                   144/257
                case of the burial of paupers the person having
                the contract for burying such paupers may dig the
                grave himself or make such arrangement with the
                sexton as he shall see fit.
                    When a lot is purchased under the provisions of
               this ordinance, the sexton shall receive a fee of
               fifty cents to be paid by the purchaser for showing
                the lot and marking the same upon the map.

                    Sec. 3. No person shall be allowed to inter­
               fere with the duties imposed upon the sexton.

                    Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to
               bury any corpse within the city cemetery except
               such person shall first have purchased a lot from
               the city or have permission of the owner of any lot
               already purchased, and shall also have obtained
               from the City Treasurer a burial permit as herein­
               after provided.

                    Sec. 5. Duplicate maps of the city cemetery
               shall be made, one of which shall be kept by the
               City Treasurer and the other by the sexton.

                    Sec. 6. When any person desires to purchase
               a lot in the cemetery, it shall be the duty of the
               Treasurer, upon the payment of the price and fee
               therefor, to execute and deliver to the purchaser
               a deed to the lot, describing it by section, row, lot,
               number and such other description as may be
               necessary to properly designate such lot, substanti­
               ally in the following form:

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