Page 151 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 151
Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
Charter oj the City of Lake City
Street Improvement Bonds 148/257
Whereas, An election was duly held under the
direction of the City Council of the Town of Lake
City, Florida, on the 14th day of September, A. D.
1899, under the provisions of Section 712, Revised
Statutes of Florida, whereby the question of issue-
ing to the amount of $7,500 bonds of the said
Town of Lake City was submitted to the electors
of said town, qualified to vote at said election, and
whereas at the said election there was fiftv-two
votes cast for bonds and three votes cast against
bonds, and whereas upon due and legal canvass of
the returns of the said election the result thereof
was declared to be in favor of the issuance of said
bonds to the amount aforesaid as the law directs.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Town Council of
the Town of Lake City Florida’
Sec. 1. That coupon bonds of the municipal
corporation of the Town of Lake City, Florida, to
the amount of $7,500 be issued by the authority
thereof for street improvements, that the said
bonds shall be in the denomination, respectively,
as follows, to-wit: Not less than $100 at the option
of the buyers, and the said bonds, principal and
interest, be payable in lawful currency of the
United States of America, to bear date of the first
day of October, 1899, and be due and collectible
twenty years after the date of January 1st, 1900,
interest thereon to be payable semi-annually, on
the 1st of January and July each year, at rate of
five per cent, per annum, payable at any bank in
said Town of Lake City or at the Treasurer’s office. LCH-UUID: E8DD44AB-53A8-4AFA-B7BD-16C421D14A41