Page 203 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 203
Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
Charter of the City oj Lake City
of the electric light and water plant of said City,
inspector of plumbing or such other agent thereof 200/257
or of the board of public works thereof as may be
duly appointed and empowered thereunto for the
purpose of inspecting water connections and open
ings, sewerage connections and appliances, electric
light fixtures, wires, lamps and insulations, for the
purpose of insuring that such premises shall at all
times be kept in proper sanitary condition with re
ference to such said water and sewer connections
and openings and reasonably safe from danger
or ignition by reason of said electric connections
and fixtures.
Sec. 2. That for said purposes such superin
tendent, inspector, or agent, is hereby vested with
police powers and authority but to such end only;
and is required to make such inspection (unless
otherwise ordered by the Council) at least once
within every three months and as much oftener as
shall be deemed necessary; and he shall during
each such period make full and separate report in
writing to said board of all premises so inspected
together with the number and character of lights
used or provided for, with the condition of same,
as to sanitation or safety and with power to recom
mend for condemnation, change or repair any and
all found in unsanitary or unsafe condition; such
report shall be made from time to time as such
inspection progresses; and the Council may order
the discontinuance or repair by the owner or occu-
pantof any such premises within such time as it shall
deem reasonable, of any such unsanitary or unsafe
connection, fixture or appliance or system; and
any such owner or occupant refusing or neglecting
to obey within such time any such order, or in any LCH-UUID: E8DD44AB-53A8-4AFA-B7BD-16C421D14A41