Page 207 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 207
Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
Charter of the City of Lake City
to Hernando street, north side; Orange street,
from Marion street to Hernando street, south side; 204/257
Madison street, from Marion street to Fourth
street, north side; Madison street, from Marion
street to Hernando street, north side; Desoto
street from Marion street to Fourth street,
north side ; DeSoto street, from Marion street
to Hernando street, north side; Hamilton street,
from Marion street west three blocks, south
side; Hamilton street, from Marion street to
Hernando street, north side; Hillsborough street,
from Marion street to east boundary line of
lot No. 129 western division, north side; Hills
borough street, from Marion street east to
Jackson street, south side; Franklin street, from
Marion street, west three blocks, south side;
Franklin street, from Marion street east three
blocks, south side; First street, on east side of
cemetery north from Hillsborough street to south
side of Washington street, west side; Washington
street, from Marion street west to cemetery,
south side; Railroad street, west from A. C. L.
depot to northwest corner of North Carolina street,
south side; Marion street, north from S. A. L.
Railway to G. S. & F. Railway, west side; Leon
street, running east from Marion street to north
east corner of lot No. Ill, south side; and also to
contract for the following sidewalks in Olustee
On the north side of Olustee Park, from Marion
street to Hernando street; from each corner of
Olustee Park to the center thereof; running cen
trally through the Park east and west from Marion
street to Hernando street of the width of eight
feet with a circular walk around the fountain in
the center of Olustee Park, which said sidewalks LCH-UUID: E8DD44AB-53A8-4AFA-B7BD-16C421D14A41