Page 66 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 66

Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
                            Charter of the City oj Lake City
                 Sec. 25. Every person running, managing or
             operating any barber shop within said city shall                      63/257
             pay a license tax of two and one-half dollars for
             each barber’s chair. No fractional license shall be
             issued for such purposes.
                 Sec. 26. Keepers of billiard tables, ball pool
             tables or other tables where billiards or pool of any
             kind is played when such tables are kept for other
             than private use, shall pay a license tax of fifteen
             dollars for each table. Keepers of shooting gal­
             leries, when kept for other than private use, shall
             pay a license tax of ten dollars for each gallery;
             Provided, That if any holder of a license under this
             ordinance shall allow minors to play billiards or
             pool or any kind of a game for money or any
             other thing of value upon tables licensed under
             this ordinance, he shall be punished by imprison­
             ment not exceeding sixty days, or by a fine of not
             more than five hundred dollars; Provided, further,
             That no license under this section shall be issued
             for a fractional part of a year.
                 Sec. 27. All steam laundries shall pay a license
             tax of ten dollars; laundries known as “Chinese
             laundries,” a license tax of five dollars. No frac­
             tional license shall be issued for such purpose.
                 Sec. 28. No merchant, storekeeper or dealer
             shall keep for sale or sell pistols, Springfield rifles,
             rapeating rifles, bowie knives or dirk knives with­
             out first paying a license tax of five dollars in ad­
             dition to any license he may otherwise pay as
             merchant, storekeeper or otherwise.

                 Sec. 29 All fire insurance companies shall
             pay a license tax of two and one-half dollars for
            each and every agent doing business within said

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